
My first thought was, “A folly! Nothing would draw me to stay at a Trump hotel, except of course the assured proximity to the finest choices in tacos Nevada has to offer!”

And you sound very privileged. Take some time and read up on things that challenge your preconceived notions. Heck, take 10 minutes, google “Madison, WI racism against blacks,” and read a few of the top hits.

Yea, white progressives tend to be just as racist and horrible as the white conservatives they look down upon. My own liberal utopia, Madison, WI, has a well deserved reputation for treating PoC like shit. In fact, I recently read about a study that showed that white progressives were actually a few percentage point

2016-950=1066. It’s a poor analogy. William the Conqueror literally led an invasion of England, not a host of illegal immigrant and refugees (unless he means that refugees and illegal immigrants are equal to an invading army?).

I was pleasantly surprised by it. I’ll wait to see the actual performance before judging because Curry’s version is about 40% vocals, at least 60% confident performance strut.


The actions on Haiti during 1804 fit snuggly within any definition of genocide. It actually was one of the more effective genocides on record.

Your dream destination is to actively participate in genocide?

The Southern California of the early 1980's

It’s sad whenever I hear a supposedly liberal person say that black people aren’t serial killers like white people. White serial killers get noticed because they, like most serial killers, mostly kill white people, often times women or young men. Black serial killers don’t get noticed because they mostly kill black

Your whole point is based on a moral absurdity. Beyond that, Turner convinces his owner to purchase his future wife because her look arouses him. He therefore becomes far more complicit in enslavement than any child. Plus, you ignore my point about how destroying turner’s presumed upstandingness would go against

It’s disturbing because Turner made no mention of rape as the catalyst for his rebellion. Scripture was. It’s doubly disturbing because Parker seems to have put in multiple rape scenes with little female agency in order to spur the black male avenger to action. It follows Parker’s statements of indicating that he

But that, in the filmmakers minds, wouldve damaged the morality of the protagonist. It damages the movies message if it turns him into a monster, and, no matter your views, killing babies and children tend to shatter your narrative.

It’d be great if all politicians could refrain from pulling from Trump’s playbook.

She’s definitely a little fruity in the head over this

The flair she showed with the little curtsy after the balance thing and then the one handed zip-line is pretty cool

Plus, Santa Claus is an amalgamation of various cultural interpretations, with them all being European (unless you want to dig your heels in on Saint Nicholas).

To be fair, they were largely during the early Byzantium era. They were mostly Greek, and the culture was largely Greek. Anatolia now is different then Anatolia then, thanks to it being at the crossroads of invasions of Greeks, Persians, Arabs, Turks, Mongols, Russians, etc.

Fort Knox will be a lot emptier if he gets to decorate the WH

“What would it be like to have sex with a robot?” Just ask my wife