Probably be ACLU instead of alt-right. When it comes to free speech, the ACLU has long been awkward bedfellows with Nazis and the KKK.
Probably be ACLU instead of alt-right. When it comes to free speech, the ACLU has long been awkward bedfellows with Nazis and the KKK.
How is that intimidating someone from using their free speech? You can’t wear a mask to injure or threaten to injure or coerce a person with the intent to unlawfully intimidate from the enjoyment of any constitutional right or privilege.
Yea I think this guy is scum, but the fact that he is charged with a felony for parading around like a racist ass clown is concerning. It will be interesting to see the charge played out in court.
Yea I thought that was a weak connection. The prison system is called the new Jim Crow because of its similarities to Jim Crow south, not slavery. Unless it will make the argument that locking up people for profit is like profiting off of the work of slaves?
Plus wind and lift. Get a car going on a windy day with the mattress hanging over the front a bit, and that mattress will go flying. Securing does not mean placing weight on top, it means attaching it to the car.
I heard the was a warrant out for someone matching his description in the area.* if so, it’d make sense to approach him cautiously
Yea, my mom hates her photo cause she couldn’t smile AND she had to put her hair behind her ears. So it’s either a fake, or Michelle O is flouting that FLOTUS privilege.
Demonstrably false
I’d be first in line for anything that resulted in a willingly naked ScoJo.
*Unless there is some tangible benefit to the victims who’ve escaped from ISIS, or those that will hopefully be freed. Then I’m all for suing a terrorist organization.
Because suing ISIS is pointless. They’re not going to be like, “oh shit, we’ve been sued, let’s drop our weapons, leave our slaves, and head to some international tribunal in Europe.”
I don’t disagree with you. I just believe that China doesn’t believe that it can achieve global hegemony through economic growth and political power alone. They also can’t achieve global hegemony before achieving regional hegemony. The best way to do that is through weakening the institutions that allow the west to…
Whats more, China doesn't resent western economies or power. China resents coming of age in an era where all the international institutions, laws, etc., were all created with no Chinese input. A collapse in western democracies, or at least a delegitimization of them, creates the bonus of China being the economic and…
If China really wanted to destabilize the west, they’d allow for, and try to manage, their impending debt bubble to burst. That would lessen their demand for third world (IK the term is antiquated) resources, which would cause those economies, and subsequently governments, to collapse. That causes hunger,…
Angry white men are not enough for trump to win. Trump needs to convince college educated whites, male and female. He needs Hillary to win lower percentages of black, young, and Latino voters than Obama. And that’s it, really. And that’s why it could be scary, considering the historic levels of support Obama received.…
And he has such a long....neck!
My mom finally said she won’t vote for trump. Not because of any of his policies, but because his sons are big game hunters. My mom hates big game hunters. Idk if it is possible to convince her to vote Hillary outside of Hillary going to Africa and killing poachers and Minnesota dentists.
I’ve heard that Cruise is actually asexual.
They are solar powered automatic trash compactors, meant to improve garbage handling. No one is going about inventing bomb proof trash cans because that is a stupid idea.