
It's like Barry Bonds at the 2001 Giants Spring Training all over again.

I thought this was a spot on interpretation of the 2014 slam dunk contest.

Given how much time they devote to yelling and throwing rocks, you'd think that Palestine would have a world-class curling team.

Last name: Ever, First name: Worst Format

Just for the sake of pointing this out, is this the DJ from Zoolander?

I can't believe this. Y'all do realize that there are some young ladies that frequent this site, are you not? Now they're going to think that baseball is a water sport, bless their hearts.

I do like the decapitation

Shame on a boarder who try to run game on a boarder.

But does it help them protect this house?

This is a myth. It never happened. In fact, according to the NCAA that ENTIRE season never happened.

Terrible, terrible new look. Probably going to break down by mid may before spending all year trying to go back to original form. You're making a mistake, kinja.

That's about the only way one of Jeter's girlfriends is seeing a diamond.

This dude looks like the love child of Joseph Gordon Levitt and Kate Mara.

I know it's not related and I'm already chastising myself, but this came to mind immediately:


I don't buy it, Samer. If they were really such underdogs, it probably wouldn't have been nearly such a struggle for the Russians to put them down.


This bear looks physically unfit to catch and molest all but the most dimwitted of children.