It suggested uncanny_lunch414 to me last night and I seriously considered
It suggested uncanny_lunch414 to me last night and I seriously considered
The success of NXT has been one of the brightest parts of the WWE Network for me since I came back to the product ~5 years ago. While it’s really great to see these indie wrestlers I’d heard about or watched (Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, KENTA/Hideo, Hero/Ohno), I do regularly want to see more development happening.
Those guys in RL are the absolute worst.
After coming back from my wrestling sabbatical three or four years ago, I am absolutely thrilled that I get to see Braun Strowman’s career happen. My wife has gotten into it (I’m very lucky,) and so she’s had the benefit of seeing Chris Jericho’s most recent and great run with the List, Kevin Owens, AJ Styles, etc.
I love you
He is doing in real life what all my asshole friends used to do with Michael Vick in Madden 2005.
My initials are actually MW, and I’ve yet to see a cool logo with those letters combined. Separated? No issue. But together they’re either a squiggly line or shit.
Go read a book, guy.
Calculated choice of words in Alabama from the President.
The biggest thing that hurt Cedric Alexander was that Noam Dar fued. The problem wasn’t Noam Dar, they can both go and put on a great match. For me, it was overshadowed by the Stereotypical Crazy Black Girl gimmick that saddled Alicia Fox with, and it was just not great.
While in theory, you’re correct. Taping two or three times for a whole season is a schedule that can work for wrestlers. The issue is, I’m not sure there is a single wrestler on that show who’s only gig is Lucha Underground.
Explains why the ball seemed so slippery in his hands; he’d just done the dishes!
You know what, fuck Moyes.
While it wasn’t a pop-up situation, when I lived in Mexico the best restaurant in town often ‘rented out’ their kitchen to Mexican Master chefs, allowing them to run things basically.
At least from the Steroid scandal part of it, Bruce Prichard’s podcast is worht listening to. It’s one of the first episodes they go over it, and he was pretty high up in the company at the time.
*stares directly at Beaumont*
I was born and raised in a North Dallas suburb. Loved it, loved that there were all walks of life from different states, countries and cultures.
I googled as much as I can (at work,) and couldn’t find the piece I think by the New York Times that mentioned Celebrities rallying against Trump actually ends up turning more people against those ‘Hollywood Elites.’ I did find this though, which is kind of painting the same picture but about feminism and women’s…
No, that won’t work.