
He bad mouthed MacGyver

Yelich Traded to Yankees for Thoughts and Prayers

Ladies should watch out for loose Seal.

Shit. I had:”Anyone from Phish”.

I had my money on an actual seal! *throws losing ticket on floor, punches through straw boater for good measure*

“But she voluntarily stayed after the first attempt! Just sounds like a bad date to me.”

You and almost all or the people responding are a bunch of girthers

He’s definitely not 6'3". Obama is 6'1" and they’re virtually the same height in this (and other Inauguration photos). If anything, Obama’s slightly taller.

265 if he’s an ounce. I’m 5'9" about 200 and I’m nowhere NEAR as fat as that mother wannabedaughterfucker.

I’ll buy that he might be 6'3", but there’s no way he’s under 270. I’m 4 inches shorter and supposedly 30 lbs heavier, and I don’t look as blown out and flabby as the president, and I’m flabby as fuck! You put that fucker on a scale on national TV and maybe I’ll believe it.


6'3", 285 lbs.

It’s been awhile since 8th grade science, but... Sedimentary?

I wish I looked like Trump. Guy is cut from stone.

He’s the millenial version of Eli Manning

Bortles v. Keenum does sound like a prime swampy Florida Men lawsuit, though. Like something out of Wild Things.

I’ve decided watching Bortles is the best because there is an element of comedy and danger to every play. Makes it exciting.

This is the happiest moment in the history of any 60 person pop and lock dance crew