
That’s the best humblebrag I’ve read in years.

Not wanting it to go to waste, I did a quarter ounce of cocaine, fucked my wife’s sister like I’ve always wanted to, called my boss and called him an old bald cocksucker, then burned my house down for fun.

ive prepared for the invasion by keeping a fully loaded super soaker

This new Radiohead song sucks.

Jesus. Haven’r they heard of the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf? Now if an 8 kiloton nuclear missle is heading towards them for real, people won’t even bother to hide under their desk like we were trained to do.

Should Lonzo talk to someone at ESPN about his dad being a moron?

Reich Guard

Shooting (on Sight) Guard?

White Power Forward

Whaa?? These kids ARE their parents! This shit is learned at home from day fucking one. It takes a village....and that village is racist.

Disgusting. Everyone knows true Milford men are neither seen nor heard.

“You’re tall, what position do you play?”

“We sincerely apologize to anyone that was offended by the jerseys.”

I don’t understand why these boys couldn’t just hire a PR agency to explain to the public that the jerseys were their way of expressing honor and respect.

Breitbart cons: lots of comments you won’t want to read

Yeah, and in a just world, those assholes would have to use Kinja.

Steve Bannon is pissed the show wasn’t called Mad about Jews.

Lucky for me, I lost all faith in the innate goodness of humanity during my middle school years.

The bubble I reside in allows me to think that humanity is worth saving and not entirely made up of racist misogynistic Islamophobes. I don’t see how visiting the Breitbart comments to burst that will do anything but make me sad.

Oh wow... that’s just... I mean... I really miss Disqus :(