
I give it an “F” too, followed by an “uck LaVar Ball.”

While you make a fair point, Ball then cited Yelp as a credible alternative. Yelp is every bit as bullshit and corrupt as the Better Business Bureau. Their business model is to essentially extort businesses into paying to modifying their rating.

He would be nobody if it wasn’t for the fact that almost every single mainstream centrist journalist in the US retweeted and celebrated the thread that brought him to prominence, (regarding Russia getting Trump elected.) AKA “It’s Time For Some Game Theory”. None of them should ever be allowed to forget it, either.

Lol what a dipweed.

/r/iamverysmart but for liberals who lost their minds when Trump was elected

Not much of an argument really. You just threw out a ridiculous statement with nothing to back it up hoping you’d sound like a super smart guy.

who the fuck is eric garland

Well you just lost that argument pretty hard.

“It wasn’t my inspiration, but because I care about others I’m still willing to get them nearly half of the ownership. Totally not admitting to ripping them off. I just want to give them nearly half ownership of the song.”

It’s clearly time for some game theory.

“to be grounded and have TV time taken away shipped to Eastern Europe by his father.”

“There are about a million songs with this underlying structure.”

My favorite fact about Creep is that Prince covered it at Coachella and it was uploaded to Youtube, then as he notoriously did, Prince had the video removed, and Radiohead stepped in and requested that it be put back up because it was their song.

Everybody keeps bring up the Hollies. Radiohead admitted it and gave them credit. But even so Creep doesn’t sound that much like the Hollies song. But her song sounds like somebody just changed the words and sung it in the same exact melody. Even some of the words are the same.

And will Hammond and Hazelwood have to give a percentage of their’s and Radiohead’s percentage to Steve Allen?

“I don’t decide who coaches.”

Lonzo knows who he really answers to, and it isn’t the Lakers. If I were the Lakers, I’d ship him to some place like Portland just to annoy LaVar.

10: A non-”elite conference” school has never made it into the CFP. The committee wants “sure things” in their big games.

because no one truly gives a crap about debating the ninth best team in the country.