
Man the sports journalism here on deadspin never fails to impress.

There are almost as many Trump stories on the front page of Deadspin as sports stories. The cancer that was Gawker has spread and is now killing this site too.

Well we need an article every time Trump farts. At least this is sports-related.

Let’s see how you feel next year when there’s no more single-player content left between you and the 2000 online wins needed (maybe ~1800 if you factor in weeklies) to buy each character.

I’ve got 350+ hours in this game and have done all the offline stuff (except survival, because fuck that) and I’m still almost 100k FM short of being able to get all the DLC characters, and if the size of the first dailiesweeklies are any indication, they’ll never be enough to make much of a dent in the bill.

Lots of bottled up hate since gawker got axed. One Concourse article a day isn’t enough to release all the pressure.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is real, and it’s frightening.

Wasn’t the whole point of this game to sell out your pride (and a few internal organs) and take an 84-0 ass pounding in exchange for a fuckhuge check from FSU, who wants to break as little of a sweat as possible between now and the SEC championship? TBH if I was on CSU I might be looking for a lowkey way to

Just be thankful it’s actually something vaguely related to sports and not another Trump-hate article by displaced gawker refugees.


Y’know, I was gonna vote for Trump, but after being reminded for the ten thousandth time that he has small hands, #ImWithHer.

I was curious how long its been since there was a truly positive story about Hillary - as opposed to the constant biblical flood of puerile Trump hate - on Gawker and it’s displaced refugee remnant Concourse, so just for shits I did a search. The most recent were an article about her speech two weeks ago where she

Deadspin coming through as always with the relevant sports commentary. /s

My favorite oxymoron.

Pros using power meters don’t bother me, it’s the fat office guys who buy powertaps wheels for their commuter bikes.

Gawker’s last few months were nothing but 24/7 gratuitous, rabid anti-Trump venom (well, that and reposts of random videos they found on twitter). You didn’t expect all that negative energy to just dissapate into thin air, did you? People need their echo chamber and their two minutes hate or else they’ll go mental

First off, that’s nothing to do with my free speech. Second, the actual violence that’s come from the left in their “peaceful protests” (read: riots) against Trump outweighs any requests to “knock the crap out of” a hypothetical protester attempting to physically assault Trump. And it’s not just random wackos; Huffpo

“Disagreeing with me politically is tantamount to incitement to violence.”

Liberals: “Conservatives are nuts, liberals would never repress anyone’s free speech.”

Conservative: “Trump should be president.”