
The fire of their Trump hate is all-consuming and irrepressible. If they don’t have somewhere for their thrice-daily screeds about how Trump’s latest tweet is the literal equivalent of Kristallnacht they may all drop dead from the weight of all that unreleased self-righteous contempt.

Aww, sounds like someone’s butthurt because someone insulted his waifu pillow :(

I’m not antiporn, but if you don’t think it’s at least a little...depressing, then you’re probably already dead inside anyway.

Meh, porn is sad enough. Porn *games* are sad AND creepy.

No need. Gratuitous, lustful, irrational Trump-hate is always relevant here.

That’s cool. Now if only twitch would add a feature that lets me spam my friends with farmville invites.

Not to interrupt your 2 minutes’ hate, but a duel isn’t “murder”. That’s the whole point of duels.

Curious: Did you ask deadspin ahead of time if it was ok for you to dump your endless stream of obsessive Trump hate onto their sports website?

1) It’s a reference to a 20 year old cartoon, not my legal name. That ain’t me.


Castle doctrine, baby.

Olympics? Oh right, I forgot those were happening.

Is it obligatory now on the Gawker network to derail every random story into a discussion on how much you all hate Trump?

There were a dozen potential solutions to that which didn’t involve creating a forced caste system.

Someone posted an offensive picture 3 years ago, therefore every non-whitelisted post must be hidden behind buttons and warning messages in case the scary bad guy comes back to offend again someday.

In case you hadn’t noticed (or haven’t been around long enough), Kinja has been a staggering clusterfuck of unusability since its very first iteration 5+ (?) years ago.