I just watched a phone video of a phone video on my phone.
I just watched a phone video of a phone video on my phone.
Did this ass just throw his dead relatives out for sympathy? “Oh gee! I’m so sorry I beat that woman, but DEAD RELATIVES!!”
Sorry but we’re in a society where sex is bad and taboo but violence? Go ahead and have your fill of it!
even though this game is cartoony, isn’t it really still just about shooting ppl in the face? Like maybe they don’t bleed or die...but it’s still about shooting ppl in the face, like I don’t think having a magazine in a bathroom is SO much worse than shooting ppl. in the face...
Only in America is accidentally shooting someone no biggie. ‘Oops, sorry man, that’s on me’. ‘hey it’s cool, could happen to anyone’.
That doesn’t make it untrue.
If you’re a grown man, and you concern yourself with buying garments that have been worn by grown men who are not you, then you are a huge fucking nerd and you deserve whatever garbage you get tricked into buying.
Um...yeah...that ball was still in his hand at the buzzer.
“One of the best and most welcome developments of the 2016 baseball season is Barry Bonds returning to the major leagues as a hitting coach with the Miami Marlins.”
The guy was in the left to let people on the highway. Also, how do you skid an ABS car?
What the hell am I doing with a bat in my hand? Get it out of here! [hic]
You should re-create the exact same injury on yourself and then let us know the odds of survival.
I think watching that 2:12 clip will be far more entertaining than anything 3hrs+ of Raw will be able to do tonight
What could he possibly be arguing with the ref about?
Are you freaking kidding me? REALLY!? It’s 2016 and people still shoot video in portrait mode?
You’re the kind of guy who’d walk into a 7-Eleven with a shirt, shoes, and balls swingin’, aren’t you?
His wheel, frame, collarbone... All Broeckx
Nah... no updates is starting to be a feature.
Well, I guess I’ll just use Windows 7 forever.