The sad part is, prior to shooting 58, he was on nobody’s watch list.
The sad part is, prior to shooting 58, he was on nobody’s watch list.
This is completely hilarious and will remain as such until someone inevitably dies
I mean, the Olympics suck and I never watch them, but now that I know every athlete is at risk of being murdered by fake cops or swimming in real shit I might watch now.
Yeah but it's not like there are tall buildings in between since Gateway computers went out of business.
Hillary just lost the 2016 election for president of the United States. Too bad for you Hillary you visionless hack you. Any hope we had has now been deep fried in a vat of mediocrity. I’m staying in Paris.
Do you mean like calling Donald Trump “Drumpf” and thinking you are the most clever 14 year old on the playground?
Seriously. There’s no mention of “It’s not Adam and STEVE!!!!”, or “TUCKING IT BETWEEN THE LEGS DOESN’T CHANGE ANYTHING!”, or a photoshopped picture of Caitlyn Jenner next to what was probably, originally, a very sweet photo of a widower father dressing up as a ballerina to make his 5 year old daughter feel happy on…
Yes mostly about how much I want to strangle Darren Rovell
So, to remind everyone at home:
I know eveyrone’s having fun and getting exercise, but in some ways this is just a little pathetic; it’s almost like a live version of any zombie movie you’ve ever seen — but no one’s physically dead.
4th of july is one night that everyone knows is coming a year away. This has been like this every night for almost a week now.
Alternate headline: “Asshole Dies For Doing Asshole Things.”
It sucks the British have to pick between a major international hometown sporting event and celebrating July 4th weekend. What idiot plans these things?
still in a public beta phase
Street Fighter 5 released with a lot of issues, and most of us who love the series do not enjoy it nearly as much as we did previous titles.
Nothing symbolizes Cleveland better than thousands of people outside of an arena named after a predatory loan company, celebrating something occurring California, benefiting million and billionaires that will have exactly no positive impact on their lives.
Clicks, man. Clicks.
I think Gawker employees get fined for every article they write that doesn’t include a paragraph of Trump bashing.
This means Sadaharu Oh is the true home run king, right?