
This is just straight trolling at its finest. It’s a fucking portrait video of a landscape video on another phone. People are fucking savages.

Everyone is so tuff on the computer...

“Waft over” economics. You still don’t get the money, but you can smell it if the wind is blowing in the right direction.

Hell, it’s not even trickle down economics anymore. Apparently, you’re supposed to just be happy to be in the physical vicinity of that kind of money.

OMG! They ran from one end of the court to the other, again and again! You call this “basketball,” you say?

God that made me want to kill myself.

Before the insults start, how many of you Philadelphia keyboard warriors would willingly risk injury to your Peters?

I remember when the guy set the mosque on fire in my area. That mosque has a children’s school in it, as a “Sunday School” type thing. I’ve been there for sociology classes, and on my own because the place was just so beautiful and peaceful. Two places he targeted were the library, filled with centuries-old books, and

“Multiple points of origin”, maybe a family lit the place up together.

We’re going to need a review, Jason.

Way to spoil the surprise for your nephew, James. Now he knows exactly what kind of institutional racism is in store for him.

♫ Daniel Adongo just might be insane. ♫

Let Pete Rose in the Hall of Fame or just fucking close it. Ridiculous.

I like that “two feet down and that’s it” idea. Not only will it increase the number of catches, but it’ll increase the number of fumbles (like when the receiver gets hit immediately after catching it) as well. Fumbles are awesome.

I hate to say this Drew, but I enjoy reading your words. I don’t like hearing your dumb voice. I don’t like hearing Marchman’s dumb voice. Could you please provide transcripts?

Exception to the rule.

This is wrong.

Jesus Fucking Christ, the dude they got a quote from in the story: