
What a dipshit.

“They’re not really cheating! They’ve just compeltely and fundamentally altered the gameplay!” Uh huh.

No its not cheating, but it’s also not Twitch plays Dark Souls anymore, it’s “Twitch plays a much easier version of Dark Souls that it’s basically only a matter of time until they beat because they’ve made it so you can pause and then democratically decide on what the best course of action will be.”

The number of commercials and other forms of advertisement is out of control. This was the first year that I’ve truly “cut the cord,” so I’ve been in commercial-free bliss for like 6 months prior to this game.

It is a bit laborious isn’t it? I’ve given myself over to the power of the 30-second skip feature on my DVR. Since I have young kids it’s hard enough for me to watch anything “live,” so being able to blast through 80% of the BS between plays has helped.

I would actually buy and play Madden if they did this.

You know, a weird thought just occurred to me: maybe, and hear me out on this one, but maybe they take high school football too seriously in Texas.

After being on the waiting list 20 years, my father-in-law got rid of his season tickets 2 years ago because of this type of shit. They call him every week to see if he changed his mind. They want to charge him the same price for shittier seats and the ludicrous license fee while offering nothing in return. I

Pheidippides nutz.

In her defense, she probably just assumed the ball was dirty dishes, and the net was a kitchen sink.

Agreed. Let’s stop supporting inferior technology. Every game made from here forth will be a PC game!

While it would be nice if they did, I believe most people WOULD upgrade if they could. But 400 bucks is money a lot of people don’t have for something like that.

How has someone with a working knowledge of the English language, an IQ over 100, and an acute distaste for cheesesteak, not walked into this town and declared themselves King yet? It’s a city comprised solely of chain-smoking, playdough humanoids who smoke Marlboro reds and pound Natty Ice.
Blows my fucking mind.


Real idiots. I can not believe that you can buy and keep weapons like these in America......

Staring at someone rolling next to a ladder stops being funny after the first four days, y’know?

I cannot wait to get my ass handed to me by much better players! Hooray

...at certain points they’ve been slowing the game to allow for a vote on commands, which gave everyone enough time to bring him down.

Since when is “Cheney” unpronounceable?

From one of the articles you linked through... this quote is solid gold: