
well...I guess that means he should start seeking other employment opportunities... I hear that website Jelopnik is hiring.

Yeah! Hell, why not just shoot him from the patrol car? THAT would put an end to it!

The real crime?

So they were able to get a tank, but they couldn't find someone with an actual Simpson Racing Diamondback helmet to present himself as a Stig that doesn't look like he bought one of those really crappy knock off Halloween costumes that costs $20 at Walgreens?

Ned Yost can go fuck himself. Bees are little shitheads and they can all fucking die for all I care. Did I ever tell you about the time one of the fuckers stung me in the dick? There I was, minding my own business, fucking a beehive in a Target parking lot, when


Call me crazy, but perhaps the lady standing on the side of a two lane road, in the middle of a dark light condition snow storm, shining a blaring white light, might cause just a little distraction for drivers on the road. Just a thought.

slow news day? Clickbait. I've seen much worse.

Griffin hopes this will silence the doubters who said he would never have more than one goodyear.

2014: NFL suspends Gordon 10 games

That's not a real place. Next you're going to try telling me you live in Narnia.

You chuckle heads poke fun but almost as soon as you go outside you get not as warm.

I didn't really care who wins on Sunday, but now I don't think I've ever wanted anything more than for Lynch to score 6 touchdowns, grab his crotch after every one, win the MVP, receive the trophy from Goodell and get interviewed on the podium after. IF THERE'S A JUST GOD THIS WILL HAPPEN.

god, shut the fuck up

My take-away from this article is that Mike Madson, Rob Demovsky, and Bart Hubbuch must be insufferable douches.


Once you see how simple the mark is (in the video here: http://mmqb.si.com/2015/01/22/def…, it's a single capital L in what looks like a simple silver sharpie), you realize that the theory is VERY INTERESTING.

Your bathroom trips are short because you are a heathen—unlike our person of interest—and don't wash your hands.