
So all we need is a condom full of piss and one russian-looking guy willing to be a false-flag instigator.

Nothing worse than an FPS-inspired attempted mass murderer who turns out to have terrible aim because his mouse/controller skills don’t transfer to actual guns.

It used to be the only reason anyone (read: anyone except for the tiny amount of genuine cycling fans) gave a crap about cycling was ol’ Uniball Armstrong, but after he left cheating gave us another reason to care. It helped that the transition between eras was so seamless.

Windows 10 didn’t convince you MS was shit but this does?

By “4 hours long” I assume they mean 2 hours of cutscenes, 90 minutes of loading screens, and 30 minutes of gameplay?

In other games I would use arcade mode to warm up on moving targets before playing actual people. In this game I just go straight online and piss away 300 points before I even remember what I’m doing. There’s no other remotely fun option.

She isn’t unattractive, she just looks like she’s 12, which makes her impossible* to fap to.

Are you wet yet, ladies?

Godawful weapon/armor balance, virtually zero strategy or tactics, what tactics do exist amount to exploiting the garbage netcode (i.e. fishing rods), success is determined almost entirely by your connection quality with the server, hacking is often indistinguishable from lag or the game’s normal brokenness so the

How’d you know my porn name?

What does it say about your platform when its most interesting game is fucking titled “Job Simulator”?

Hell, I’m all about it. (Or at least I was before I saw the $24 entry fee.) Might be cool to see some artifacts or w/e they have there.


The main thing the 140 character limit accomplishes is ending the post before the reader has a chance to realize what a fucking pointless waste of time the thing he’s reading is and stop and consider why the hell he ever signed up for twitter in the first place.

Him and McCord were always magic together.

Let’s dispel once and for all with this fiction that Robert Dear doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing.

Not that it would justify it, but subscribing and unsubscribing to someone on youtube is just about as trivial as you could possibly make it.

Slow news day, or the slowest news day?

I play on a minecraft server that’s got a lot of mexican players. Somehow it’s much more satisfying to have borderline-incoherent, slow conversation with them via google translate than to talk to americans.