
I suppose you’re looking for something more specific than “Every Tech Worker Ever”.

In my mind they banged after the show.

Absolutely. The laws against rape, voyeurism, etc. aren’t quite enough on their own to keep creeps from being creeps, so if you take out the law against dudes in girls’ bathrooms that puts it over the top, everything will go to shit.

No one is selling a daily fantasy game based on GPAs.

ABP + element hider. Lets you block not only ads but all the other useless sidebars and headers/footers and comments sections and video players and other bullshit cluttering up webpages and improve page load times by literally orders of magnitude. With aggressive use you can turn a 3 mb article download full of ads,

“Mark Ingram is a good play on DraftKings where he only costs $5,900 this week.”

Citizens United and the rise of post-reality politics are probably a sign that we’re close to the end, but wouldn’t it be so much more entertaining to elect CamachoTrump and watch America collapse under the weight of the ensuing shitstorm than to just dissolve it outright?

Still using a 15+ year old 4:3 for the rare times I actually watch TV, and the prospect of seeing some chubby girl’s hands more clearly isn’t making me want to switch.

And be sure to keep going past 100 coins.


But, seriously, the fuck is wrong with the sportsmanship in Texas?!

That’s a high school game? I’ve seen less crowded sidelines and less pristine fields in NFL games.

Dip: For when you want to be a gross motherfucker and cigarettes just aren’t enough.

The only movie I could find on adultfilmdatabase.com with ‘Palm Springs’ in the title and a plausible release date (and that wasn’t gay) was definitely not “softcore”

I’ve been hoping for a first-person football simulator like this for probably 10 years.

Remind me again why everyone who calls for more instant replay always hastens to add “but not for balls and strikes”?

We the public must know exactly what kind of oral sex the author performed on Jeter and Posada. Was it a simple blowie or were rimjobs involved?