This Idiot In The Ring’s achievement will never be topped.
This Idiot In The Ring’s achievement will never be topped.
Never heard of Omega Gen I see.
Wrong, this is and always will be the best Vine
Baseball is losing their bunk-ass war to permanently vilify Barry Bonds, even if he lost this collusion case.
Could be worse. The Gawker Standard is a gif of a vine of a phone video of a television screen.
There’s weird timeline shenanigans with the SF series, so who knows. I think since SF3 was set in the future, no one can ever be as old as they were in Third Strike until it’s ‘the future’.
Best stun animation.
Can we do Twitch Plays Minecraft next? <3
This. Totally ruined it IMO. (Not that it was ever going to be successful any other way.)
Dumb question: If you’re still paying to be on the h4x0r server, why not just buy a new account instead?
The rules of golf are made for lawyerin’. The physical copy of the rules & decisions is 752 freaking pages long.
IIRC Garfield was great from roughly 1983 to 1997. Around that point it seemed to give up on being the type of comic that had storylines or more than 3 characters, and just became an endless exercise in how many ways there are to make the same fat/lazy jokes over and over while still never technically duplicating an…
This is what hell is like for drunk drivers.
Serious question: When was the last time someone bombed a public place after calling ahead to warn everyone about it first?
Just hypothetically, how does one get a job as one of these “assistants”? If, say, one had a good academic background and no compunctions about corrupting the academic process in the name of subverting the NCAA and making a quick buck?
The Popoff Gods strike again.