
Because guys like that tend to be cocky douchebags. It's an indicator that this person's abs is the only good trait he has to offer.

This is pretty much the norm on OKCupid. I once had a guy message me 3 HOURS after his initial message, asking me "Can you offer me a decent explanation as to why a woman would not message back a man like me?"

I had something similar happen after going on a few dates with a guy.

Well, he didn't reeeeally apologise. It was more like a justification, not far removed from "I've been picked on by too many crazy bitches. Bitches be crazy, amirite?"

A single serving of protein should be somewhere around 3-4 oz. So that's 7-8 times the amount of protein necessary for a single meal.

...the ones who claim to be the most well travelled are the least well cultured about the places they supposedly travelled to.

Right? Makes it sound as though concealing a non-out of wedlock fetal death is legal.

concealing an out of wedlock fetal death? That's a pretty specific crime.

One day they'll cotton to the fact that we name these places just to confuse them. How we'll laugh.

It doesn't feel like regressing to me, because this shit has been going on for well over a century. It's just that social media makes it easier to document now.

Happened to me in NYC. The only thing that shut down the questioning was the fact that they suddenly noticed that I was carrying a massive fucking bag with my laptop and about 4 books (seems an inconvenient thing to carry around while working). A massive bag that it took 10 minutes (or what felt like 10 minutes) to

The picture is beyond heartbreaking. She just looks soo hurt (as she should) and the ABSOLUTE FUCKING IGNORANCE on that police officer's face makes me want to hurt him.

I think we actually are regressing. Race relations, women's issues... everything.

Beyond infuriating and the picture is just utterly heartbreaking. I can't imagine the anger and shame she felt and it makes me sick to my stomach. We should be past this degrading, racist shit as a country and as a civilization. I know the calendar says it's 2014 but lately it feels like 1814 instead.

I think "prejudiced" is a better term than "racist" in this situation.

"Desecration of a venerated object"? Seriously?! Are we Puritans all of sudden? How is that even a fucking crime?

Desecration of a venerated object? What kind of bullshit charge is that?


That gif makes me a little TOO happy, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

Yes, but I'll be fucked if I'm going to give that organization ANY credit after the way they completely botched this situation.