
P&G owns Cover Girl, too.

I'd say it's more like Chi (as in chicken) - chister. And for the question on how Americans pronounce it, my American husband says chee (as in cheese)-chester, for some reason.

I know the map is not to scale, but a town where Waitrose is bigger than the castle is my kind of town.

I used to love late 70s/early 80s KFC in the UK when I was a kid. They had ribs (first ribs I ever ate, in fact, and they were most definitely my favorite food for a while there), BBQ baked beans, and of course the chicken that I'm pretty sure was far from the greasy abomination it's become in decades since. I'm sure

I think they're in Scotland, in which case it would be sugar, not HFCS.

No crucifying here :) But yep, the auto gratuity IS the tip, and I guess it exists to ensure that the server will at least get something in a situation like this. I hated the automatic gratuity, as I didn't get a choice as to whether it was added to the bill or not, and knew it was a cause of instant offense to some

"Don't ask for separate checks and then pay separately in cash" - THIS!!! So very much this.

Were you there in (I think) '08 when they had to evacuate the park and call off Dividend Day due to the unannounced arrival of the stray remnants of a hurricane? Concession stands and Halloween skeletons flying all over the place, the Charmin bear about to take flight, and a few people still lining up and pleading to

A couple of months ago I was eating lunch with five coworkers in our office cafeteria. One announced that she was having something called leek and potato soup, and asked if anyone else knew what a leek was, as she'd never heard of them before. Three of the group had no clue, another ventured that it's " a fancy name

Came here to say the same thing. Brooke Shields was not 15 in the nineties, what with having been born in 1965 and all.

"Principle." Should be "principal."

No, but I HAVE had a Habits Burger (here: http://www.habitscafe.com ) - many of them , in fact - and they are very good indeed.

She's comparing the photos and her FOREHEAD is the main issue she has with the ESPN Mag pics? She's not wondering why ESPN saw fit to do away with her entire torso and thighs??

No. But it might not be a bad idea, because that stuff is forever getting put on the backburner and it seems like it's NEVER time.

Just a very boring FYI: Swiffer isn't a company but a line of products made by Procter & Gamble. Also, I think these ads are great.

Still not as bad as all those 'have you remembered to fill out your census form?' Ones that were sneaked into millions of fortune cookies, um, whenever the last census was.

I'm going to have to look that one up, thanks! In fact, I am off to Google it right now...

Oops, that was meant to say ' "...why would you want to read MORE of that awful woman's drivel?" on hers.'

My Sweet Audrina was the only one I did like. My mother bought it for me to read on holiday after much whining and wheedling on my behalf and much "why would you want to read MORE of that awful woman's drivel?" and I remember trying to talk her into reading it after me based on the fact that it was Honestly Not That

I have a friend who does something like this, and it drives me crazy. Then I feel bad that apparently I am missing the gene that makes Proper Friends/Proper Girls join in with the whole giggly "oooooh I am being SO naughty!! Look at me, eating food!!" thing. She will also say EVERY SINGLE TIME something along the