
Genuinely asking - is there an actual reason for not naming the “A-lister” other than inciting people to guess? Like is there some accountability thing you’d want to avoid even though you’re an anonymous internet commentator?

Michael Fassbender

Henry Cavill

I’ve been trying to figure this out, but the age range and high profile relationships detail are throwing me. When I think of high profile relationship, I think of Brad and Angelina. You see them on the cover of magazines all the time. I can’t think of a A-list star in that age range from across the pond whose had

Christian Bale?

I have to wonder. Is House of Cards filming right now? Is James Toback filming something? What do the coworkers/other actors do the day after, like, seven allegations of sexual assault are made against someone? Is there a meeting? Do you all just pretend with all your might that you weren’t on google for the last 18

The octopuses are more participatory in the string instruments than the bongoes in that hot crustacean band, tbh...

Mobile animals that live along the bottom are well know for avoiding water with low oxygen levels. In a bay, the wind can blow the surface water from one side of the bay to another, which draws bottom water up into the shallows along the shore on the side the surface water is moving away from. If the bottom water is

Job thread:

Hey Jezzies!

I see Wayne Coyne and the drummer from the Flaming Lips!

I learned about the We’ve Got Tonight video maybe five years ago, and it is my go to whenever I need a pick-me-up. The dress? The hair? The mic drop when Kenny hears her clear, beautiful voice? The bodyguards trying not to show how awesome it is to accompany Dolly, but totally failing? The banter? All of it is

As a 12 year veteran of chronic illness and a hospital frequent flyer, I’ll say this about letter 1. Many people, even nurses will try to talk or send pics about everything but you being inpatient and sick in the hopes of keeping you mind off of your illness for a while. A cute little kid and their antics would be a

Uhh, unless I missed something, no where in the letter did LW1 mention telling her friend that she’s tired of the kid talk. Why not try that first before ghosting her? I mean yes, the friend should absolutely know better on her own, and if LW1 is done with the friendship that’s totally her prerogative. But why not

well with any luck he died of a heart attack when Obama got elected

Sadly, your girls will likely live with this sort of stuff as a constant presence in their lives. Unwanted male attention starts so early. Like age 11. The comments start about then (from both peers and older men—gross) and they don’t stop. If you’re lucky, that’s all it ever is, a steady stream of male commentary

Or he’s the big blockbuster movie star and she’s the indie darling.

It’s because a certain segment (the ass-segment) of the Internet thinks that Chris Evans belongs on propaganda posters (in the style of Germany, 1936), while also thinking that Jenny Slate should have her name in triple parenthesis.

Agreed. If I knew them IRL I wouldn’t think twice about the pairing. People just seem weirded out that the superhero guy is dating the interesting smart girl.