
Actually, having read Tarentino’s “apology,” I believe it is no such thing. I think the analysis at the Mary Sue blog is right on this. See this post on Tarentino:

I think she does - but I also think its probably hard to think he was also a drug addict and committed suicide. I mean his awesomeness was driven by a much darker side sadly.

Dear letter writer 2,

Christian Bale has a history of really diving into his roles. Remember when he lost all that weight for The Machinist? *shudder*

I think Ivanka is the one he pays women to impersonate.

no, but trumpito likely imagines it on the regular.

I first saw Chasing Amy when I was about 14-15, and one of the things that most stood out was how it portrayed the fragility of the male ego (I didn’t know that phrase then but I knew what I was seeing). Alyssa loves Holden, fucking loves him, more than she’s loved anyone else. But for some reason that’s not enough

most likely the father was abusive and/or dismissive of his wife, leading the sons to diminish the worth of a woman. the same with trump’s father and his immigrant mother who was so reliant on her husband for her american citzenship, that she put up with his shit. boy children pick up this pattern and replicate it in

Proposed questions for writers/directors who routinely write about the rape of female characters “because it’s realistic”:

For real - what the everloving fuck?!?

Don’t go blaming the mother, now. Did they not have a father?

Living with a spouse can challenge you to grow and become a better person. My husband helped me to find out I have ADD. He’s helping me to get this beast under control. He’s my best friend. Who the fuck would I eat popcorn and watch old Disney cartoons with? Who would make me tea or push on my belly when I have gas?

One of the reasons my partner and I work so well together is that he insists on a level of intimacy that is healthy but new for me - it’s forced me to open up more and be more trusting. Relying on someone else for some things has been scary but such a mental/emotional relief. If he wasn’t living with me, I’m sure I

My husband and I spent 2+ years on opposite coasts due to work stuff, sometimes not even texting each other for days due to schedule and time zone differences, and only seeing each other in person for a week or so every 2-3 months. We had a great marriage before, but the separation really made us closer for exactly

I was just watching WW for the third time with my teen daughter when it occurred to me that if a man had made that movie, someone would have threatened Diana with rape. It’s funny how refreshing a lack of rape as a narrative device can be.

The main reason I finished reading this piece was so I could then read the comments. My hope in humanity was restored with these responses! Be a porn star - fine! Be a mother and a wife - fine. Think you can justify a vanity porn project through some mumbling a about feminism - hold on little missy!

I work in a nursing home and reading this was like talking to someone with dementia. It's been 8 years and I've muddled though so many conversations at work that sometimes I question my own mind. Like sometimes we get a new patient and I'm like, "is this person alert and oriented or not? I can't really tell!" and that

I think the headline must be referring to a different article because it had little to do with the story.

Well it is filed under ‘personal fucking essay’...

I really need to listen to the little voice that says: “Stop reading. Now. You read three sentences, you gave it a fair shot. You know this will not get better. Or go anywhere. And you have over-due library books that you actually like reading.”