
You have M Night Shyamalan make a movie with that title.

FULL DISCLAIMER: Haven’t pooped yet today.

Once, on a winter break vacation, my family and I were in a Chinese restaurant (in Hawaii), and like, midway through our meal, realized it was December 25th. We Jew so hard we don’t even have to try.

First thing’s first, she's the realest

He had to listen to his own music.

Or even a Broadway show? Let’s not forget the genius that was The Book of Mormon.

Oh man. I’m a little bit older than Chrissie and I grew up with that same bullshit, victim-blaming message drilled into my head — and boy was it drilled into us. I got over it. Fwiw, I was also raped (back in the 80s) and I tried really hard to blame myself, but my therapist wouldn’t let me get by with that.

And here in Australia it was a conservative, right-winged nutjob that was the catalyst for ending massacres. Let that resonate for second.

Oh, they aren’t responsible, they’re just objects. The brother ruined another family’s property, so now his family’s property should be ruined.

your argument is invalid

Gun nuts are so fucking scary, you guys. I live in a blue state and went to a gun law forum after Sandy Hook.

I don’t have an answer for how you guys fix this. But from the outside, it seems fucking crazy that nothing has been changed since Sandy Hook.

As I said to my husband yesterday, it's time to get over our American bullshit bravado that insists we do everything best and look at the countries where gun violence isn't an issue and take a page from their books. We don't have to win at everything, guys. Shit. We're acting like that annoying person who digs their

I think Japan, Australia & the UK need to hold an intervention at this point

We care for you. We can’t see you keep hurting yourself like this...”

If someone gunning down 20 little kids didn’t change the gun laws nothing will. Sad but true.

Oh, god, please shut up. Just shut up. This is so ignorant and embarrassing - the white male savior “if we ignore color then racism vanishes” is the most ridiculous thing, and the very idea of it has been debunked time and time again. Just shut up. You have no idea what a racist, pompous ass you’re making of yourself

It is very white, though. And I say this as a white girl. It’s very white to speak out against our own oppression (as females or LGBT or whatever) and then shut down women of color when they talk about the intersectional oppression of being a black female, or a black member of the LGBT community. It’s best for us to

because it’s a matter of white privilege! accept it. i used to get mad at stuff like that too, but then i realized, who the fuck am i? i know i try better, so I know this shit isn’t about me. sometimes it is about me though, because I can’t escape the privilege i was borne into. deal with it!

I get why you’re prickly about this, but you can’t just look at this as an isolated thing, and going all #notallwhitepeople isn’t helping the conversation. Tone policing has a loooooooong history, and has been used a) by men to shut down women and b) by whites to shut down POCs. So, when someone who looks like Miley

Yeah. tbh he could be missing all his teeth and I would still bang him like a screen door in a hurricane.