
I just spent a good five minutes sitting here wondering what "wacky-o" meant, before I realized the comma was significant. Sigh.

Alison should’ve had an Uzi strapped across her. And Adam, where were his firearms? The lady being interviewed could’ve been carrying a small revolver in her pocket for such emergencies. What were they thinking? That they could record a puff piece early in the morning in sleepy Roanoke, Virginia, without risk of

Let’s not forget that all these killings are great free advertisements for the gun industry. They can at the same time show how effective guns are and scare people so that they fear for their safety. And more guns they sell the more free advertisements they get. It’s like a neverending loop of misery. A biblical

LIVE! Killed LIVE and on the air! We now have people being MURDERED on live TV. We have CHILDREN being murdered in their classrooms. Nothing gets done. We, as a country, through our inaction have said this is A-OKAY. Just another day in the beautiful United States! Let freedom ring and god bless America and her guns!

I feel like I saw an episode where he said he is. I could have imagined the whole thing though. I imagine things about him a lot. *wink wink. nudge nudge*

I’m just gonna leave this..... riiiiiight........ here:

I guess it just depends on the 13 year old and their interests. At that age I couldn’t have written this essay, but I could have (and did, more than once) written a fantastic essay on mobsters in the US from the 1930’s to the 1960’s. You’d be amazed what a semi-smart (doesn’t even have to be the smartest kid in the

do it.

Honestly, I could’ve written something of that caliber more easily at 13 than I could today at 26. Some people are just fucking smart from day one, and kids have more time to read/do deep dives on topics that interest them than adults do. Maybe there’s a rad female role model in her life that nudged her down this path

and if the cat would just move over, there’s room on those knees for Leo.

Lets just hope that it is about someone’s objection to cremation and she didn’t just become the star attraction at the local necrophiliac’s sunday potluck.

No- they become involved in a complex scenario wherein they were supposed to be apprenticed to a pilot, but due to their nurse being hard-of-hearing, they become apprenticed to a pirate.

Cue butthurt comments from women who say there’s nothing sexist about taking their husband’s last name.

I know he's a bit of a wanker but that's no way to refer to another person.

Who here still wears a watch??? It’s not that weird for someone youngish to be wearing a watch, is it?

I was on a small-ish plane, with maybe 20 passengers, and somebody asked if they could switch seats to sit next to someone in a different row. The captain got out his slide rule (This was in the 90’s) and checked the balance before saying OK.

I’ve been on a few trips in my life where we’ve either been asked for our weights ahead of time or actually weighed at the airport. These are always on little planes where a difference of 50 pounds matters and frankly, I’m happy to jump on a scale if that’s helping to keep my plane in the air.

It’s a stupid Wedding Rule. Of all the weddings I’ve been to, the only favor I actually liked was getting to take one of the couple’s cupcakes (they did cupcakes instead of a big cake) home at the end of the night. My theory is that people only care about 3 things: booze, food, and good music to dance to. Otherwise,

Oh. Like I said, I don’t read the tabloids. Always willing to give a second chance, regardless. Maybe she’ll have an epiphany one day.