
I wonder if the actual cover will be embossed.

Holy shit. That’s so fucked, it actually makes me think worse of the cover of this dumb book. Previously, I had no opinion. I was mostly thinking it was just supposed to be cupid’s arrow or something? Now I’m like “Nope. That’s messed up.”

The cover certainly looks appropriate for a self published Amazon book.

Ooh, can we list the worst prose genres please? I’m thinking:

How To Be a Decent Person by Amber Rose didn't test as well with consumers.

I would totally “thumbs up” any of my friends who ate their placenta. And congratulate her.

That’s some serious dedication and effort involved, not just the bravery aspect, but because a placenta is large.

It’s articulated well enough to convince me he is not against LGBT equality, it’s not a well articulated argument for why this is a free speech issue. The bakers are still free to express their opinions on the matter. What’s the concern if they sell the cake? They say they’re opposed to gay marriage and someone

You win best comment of today. Hahaha you actually just made my day. Maybe is an excellent pet name. I have a thing for tuxedo cats though, and they really fit in to French foods and French names very well. Ok. Am stoned. time to go back to reading quietly.

I quit smoking the night I had a heart attack. I was 47 and had been smoking for 30 years. It was one in the morning, I was putzing around on the computer and I knew something was wrong. I filled my beloved dog’s bowls with extra food, cleaned the toilet in case I died and she ran out of water and then sat down on my

Couldn’t the server have just asked the man to point to the item he wanted on the menu?

I’m nothing if not the funniest man of 2011.

Actually it’s pretty much the same love story as Twilight.

Clooney always seems like a Gatsby to me. He looks so damn good and has curated this kinda air of old money. And then you remember he got started on TV, is from Kentucky, didn't finish college, and was a door to door salesman at some point. None of those things are BAD, but.. He married up for sure.

Also, what the hell is that fragrance going to smell like? Stale cigarette smoke, bourbon-soaked floorboards, mildew, and regret?

if she really seems noncommittal or disinterested,don’t push it. Being on the receiving end of that kind of pressure feels really gross.

The Duggar family position that the media has victimized their daughters more than their son ever did sounds familiar. I half expect Jim Bob or Michelle to say “Actually, it’s about ethics in reality television journalism.”

Somehow I can forgive Snoop for all of his misogynistic shit over the years, like what would have been a deal breaker in my like for other people, Snoop can pull off and I still like him.

I seriously didn’t realize that shaving above the knees was a thing. My mother is a horribly repressed puritan so no one ever gave me any guidance on how to shave. She is the kind of person who thinks all leg or pubic grooming is for harlots (except for underarm shaving which she is all about for some reason). One

OT, but, the only thing I remember from that movie is that Bruce Wayne’s china pattern was the same as mine.