She seems a bit obsessed with bloodlines, and with the royals having special blood which makes them entitled to their ranks and stuff. When are these assholes going to learn that they’re just regular, boring-ass humans, like the rest of us, and nothing about their DNA makes them superior? They just live a life of…
Camilla actually is the Princess of Wales. She wasn’t denied the title and could use it if she chose. But she chose to be styled as Duchess of Cornwall given the stickiness of her affair with Charles before and during his first marriage. (A very wise move, I think.)
His full name’s Henry Charles Albert David. Harry is a nickname, like Will is for his brother.
Princess Anne refused titles for her children.
Holy fuck this thread. Feudalism is fucking confusing.
I don’t think Camilla was denied the title I think it’s literally for PR that she doesn’t use it. But legally she is the Princess of Wales. However my understanding of this is limited to Wikipedia so...
The British should adapt to the Swedish system. The Swedish royals have modernized to a better system. Women who marry in are known as Princess Her First Name, men who marry in can be princes and share their wife’s titles if they choose.
Kate is already Princess William. She chooses to use “Duchess of Cambridge” instead. She will become Catherine, Princess of Wales, when William is invested as PoW.
Traditionally, all wives of male members of the British Royal Family, the aristocracy and members of the public take the style and title of their husbands. Diana, Princess of Wales was not “Princess Diana” as the media called her, because she was not born a British princess. Her correct title was The Princess of Wales…
It’s the lesser option actually. Michael’s title means he’s descended from a king but doesn’t have his own title. It’s also one that can’t be shared with his wife, so she’
Actually any wife of a prince can go by “Princess [husband-name]” - it’s a weird artifact of medieval times. Just because you marry a prince doesn’t make you a princess - you have to have the royal blood for it. That won’t stop the media from using terms like “Princess Diana” or “Princess Kate” (neither of whom were…
First Dustin Hoffman, and now Stallone. I think there will be at least half a dozen more iconic actors of the 70s and 80s who we’ll read about next. I would say Nicholson - his house was the crime scene for the Polanski rape, and he was kind of at the epicenter of that social scene - but he’s supposedly very ill and…
I wouldn’t expect anybody who isn’t Chinese (I won’t say East Asia because she’s also very well-known in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand) or interested in wuxia/martial arts movies and tv shows from the late 70s-80s to know who she is, but I’d nominate Michelle Yim, an actress from Hong Kong, as best woman any day of…
Patty Jenkins, for teaching me how much representation really does matter:
Maybe this is a good time to talk about the political bullshit that is behind this. It’s extremely sad that this would happen to children that are wanted and whose parents are ready and equipped to deal with it, but we should be clear that a woman it’s not allowed to terminate a pregnancy even if she knows she had…
I had a sister with a condition not unlike the scarier end of Zika. It was horrifying, it destroyed my mother, and the end was a relief. I wouldn’t wish either the condition or caring for a child with it on anyone EXCEPT a conservative politician.
Does anyone know why more women are becoming immune to Zika?
What bugs me most is when they go off on a completely different subject and you are left there with a reply to a completely different topic.
God, there is a woman who recently joined my (predominately white conservative male) company. It was physically painful to watch SO MANY of the men at our meeting talk over her... constantly. She’s be half-way through a meaningful and relevant point, only to be cut off by some jackass who is either A)repeating what…