
I think just don’t go to the Middle-East alone period is good advice. One guy recently got arrested and almost jailed for accidentally brushing another man’s hip while at a bar.

Yes, and he is also JACKED in that movie. Plus tall AF. Plus shaggy as you said. <3

There is something about Dev Patel with a beard that just takes the handsomeness to the next level.

In a world where Mahershala Ali exists this is just another reason why we are definitely living in the darkest of timelines.

Lion was very good. I have my reservations on it being another poverty porn/white saviour movie but that’s for another time.


“She goes, ‘Listen to me, you’re going to regret this for the rest of your life if you don’t take this gift and just live in the moment.”

Yeah, I’ll also take Ben’s proposal over Jim’s. And I love their vows:

But honestly, I’m still really sad about Alan Rickman

Uh, also can you call it an apology if he never, not once said he was sorry but did find a way to talk about how admired he is twice?

Not really? I don’t know Schultz’s actual orientation and alignment and neither matter in the scheme of things, but her story does go to show that the patterns of abuse directed at and against women are not (a) unique to men or (b) primarily about sexual fulfillment. They’re about wielding power, letting off steam at

I was really looking forward to reading a story about Chris Pratt being taken down a peg or two. What a letdown!

Along with the line that will haunt my nightmares ... “ unzipped his leather pants”.

A Haitian friend told me a story about a few Halloweens ago, when he saw a college kid in blackface wearing a suit and afro wig. He was super offended and called the kid out, and had this young man explain, in detail, and without a hint of sarcasm, that he was dressed that way because him and his pals were going to a

Twice now I have overheard little girls proclaiming their excitement over Rey merchandise in the toy aisle, and it makes me smile every time I think about it.

I hope you pissed and moaned about how Luke and Anakin were Gary Stus back in the day.

I don’t know though. The only woman he ever loved (and considered leaving the order for) died during the clone wars. It would seem out of character if he found another love, or even just slept around. I guess we’ll see though. As much as Disney wants us to believe this new expanded universe is all canon, I’m sure they

Because she’s unusually strong in the Force, learned Force powers quicker than Anakin could ever dream of, and every time she shows up somewhere there’s a character asking “who’s the girl?”

Oh geez, here it comes, I can’t stop myself (RE: Driver’s Princess comments): I’ve been rooting for Rey to be Leia and Han’s daughter ever since I saw the Force Awakens, and I have explanations for how it could work:

I know there are a lot of cynical cracks to be made about this, but can I tell you how happy it made me to see all the little Reys running around at our Halloween parade this year?