
Any chance he was the neighbour from the other side of the vent and just took the opportunity to remove the camera? :-/ That's where I thought this was going.


Unless Redmayne is planning on actually transitioning, then you're really just debating which half of the movie wouldn't fit the actor.

Me and the boyfriend had known each other for three years and we had completely ignored each other. We weren't even on each other's radar. Then, we started talking, saw we had shit in common, became friends, and then suddenly one day it was like BOOM! He's hot. Has he always been this hot?! Why did no one tell me???

I really thought this post was awful, too. A nasty jab at someone who likely has never even heard of Jezebel, never mind done anything to offend them. Why write such a crap, useless piece? So what? Girl is trying... That is awesome. It's not something to shit on.

Wow Jezebel. I'm really disappointed. A self-proclaimed feminist site devoting a whole post to bagging a hardworking female artist because...? Because she's British? Because she's got the courage to follow her dreams and work her arse off? Because she's decided not to give up in the face of career challenges? Because

Whoa. Super bitchy-for-no-reason article. Nobody else is taken aback by this? It's just...odd.

My diet buster? Not having a diet.

You sure as hell better be a writer because that was the best story I've read in years.

I have found some pretty strange stuff in our yard and around our house, but I would straight up pass out if I found a poopvomit towel. That is NASTY.

Like many, I want to know what happened next.

Laughing so hard I'm literally having an asthma attack

Speaking of, my roommate wants his towel back.

You must forgive me....I'm so glad I went to the bathroom before reading that. I am at work and would not have been able to go home and change my drawers.

Arguably, the best poop story ever told. You ma'am deserve The Poopitzer Prize. ;)

This is absolutely the best thing I've read all day. I laughed so hard that I started crying. (Not in that figurative Internet "I just ruined my keyboard" way, but in the literal, "I just terrified my cats with my sudden outburst" kind of way).

Thank you so much. I came to this post expecting amazingly horrifying mid-coitus pooping story. Disappointed, but I find this instead, which more than makes up for it.

But the thing is, Lena's "brand" for lack of a better word is "trailblazing millennial feminist" while Mindy doesn't seem to really want to be the voice of her sex or race or generation. She's too concerned with just being funny, something Lena Dunham knows nothing about. I find Mindy to be more groundbreaking in this

Saw this on Facebook this morning.

It will probably be Seahawks and Denver again in the Superbowl (the most boring Superbowl in recent history)...add Katy Perry to it....no. Im out. Bye.