
Will put that so eloquently. And I love how there was never any question that he wouldn’t stand beside Jada. They are one cool couple.

Can we talk about Nicholas Sparks for a moment pls.

Side note: anyone here who’s having a nasty crack at Grace’s appearance can fuck right off for all of the reasons.

I loved her in The September Issue. The spreads she created were gorgeous, and it was interesting how even though Anna Winton snicketed around cutting pages left right and centre, all of Grace’s awesome shoots magically made it into the issue in the end. She’s a cool lady.

And it tastes like ass.

Rebel Wilson replied to one of my tweets once. I’m torn between lilac and teal for our bridesmaids (the entire cast of Pitch Perfect).

I love that lingerie thing Madonna is wearing. Would skip the floral Hannibal Lector accessory though.

I just watched another episode and there’s a bit where Dan meets adventurer/hottie Carter Whathisname for the first time and is all like “who the f is this” and someone pipes up with how last year Gossip Girl had a map on her blog that tracked Carter’s hot adventurey world travels. Righto. Dan you busy boy.

That’s what I thought too... a Blair minion, OR Kristen Bell has been attending St Jude’s the whole time and when you re-watch the series she pops up in the background in all the crowd shots.

Really? Is that true?

It’s okay - I predicted that GG was about to be revealed in this thread, thought about it, and decided it would be interesting to know. I watched the first season when it first came out so this is kind of my second viewing anyway.


I just found out Gossip Girl was on Netflix and binge watched half the first season on Sunday. I have a question for New Yorkers. How much would have Dan’s family’s Brooklyn loft cost per month?
It feels like there’s a big deal made for Dan and Jenny to be OH SO POOR but that loft has a view of the river + Manhattan

Do NOT google “Idris Elba tuxedo” if you plan on getting any work done today.

Where I’m from is notorious for its lack of diverse representation on television, BUT in recent times I’ve noticed that a lot of TV ads are starting to include a range of non-white people, and it’s AWESOME. It’s like, hey look, there’s an ad for a product that’s taking place in the ACTUAL SOCIETY I LIVE IN. Because I

I’ve often wondered what it’s like for celebs who go to their non-celeb friends’ functions. Does a memo go out beforehand so that everyone knows to look at the bride instead of craning their necks to see Bryan Cranston’s left ear? Whose table does Meryl Streep and her husband sit at? Do people ask Emma Stone for

I think you just hit the nail on the head for me. She’s a good actress and she’s getting better with experience, but she’s not yet great and I resent the media telling me I’m supposed to think she is. I like her, sure, but when she won the Oscar for Silver Linings Playbook over Jessica Chastain in Zero Dark Thirty it

Why does JLaw need defending? She strikes me as the type who’s happy to speak up for herself if she feels she’s been slighted.

Haha that’s awesome. I’d been dating my now-husband for seven years when my mom confided to my sister that she was concerned I was no longer a virgin.

Wow! Definitely some unresolved issues with your mum re sex :/ Good on you for being loyal to your sis, and I’m sorry it wasn’t reciprocated.