Why does it look like beef jerky?
Why does it look like beef jerky?
Ew, I hate them both separately and I don't think I'll like them any better together... although I hate chocolate and loathe raisins but I love me some raisinettes.
My brother killed himself over the shame of having to wear a colostomy bag thanks to Crohns. I think images like this would have helped him feel more normal and less like he couldn't go anywhere because he had to "wear his shit in a fanny pack".
I think the 70s is gonna win this but the early 2000s was a very dark time for fashion.
I don't care, I love my wedge sneakers. They are super comfortable and make me *almost* average height.
Guinea pigs hump each other to express dominance, even female piggies do it to each other. They hump heads and rumps too. At the pet store where I work we had one pig that used to pull his water bottle down and hump it. It's one of the silly things they do.
EEP. I used these exact hand warmers all winter and they have a zillion warnings all over them, don't remember them word for word though. I am pretty sure they do state not to apply to bare skin. I was pretty tempted to when it was -20 and super windy, had them taped to my legs between my pants and thermal leggings…
NOTHING, not even DEET in the highest concentration you can buy seems to work against the mosquitoes where my family camps. It works ok on the black flies... for about 15 mins after application but the skeeters just laugh at it and keep biting. They're probably immune to it after all these years of people slathering…
Unfortunately all you can do right now is avoid ALL jerky treats because it is impossible to tell where the stuff is sourced. There are products that say "made in the USA" on the front but tiny print on the back says "product finished in USA may include ingredients sourced elsewhere". There are currently no…
Is it wrong that I don't totally hate shoulder pads? I have small shoulders with a steep slope and look so much better in blazers that have a teeny bit of padding. It wasn't so noticeable when I had a stick body as a teen but now I have thick thighs and big hips that just accentuate my weak shoulders.
My friend's grandparents took their golden retriever for a bath at a new groomer and the groomer shaved it practically bald ALL OVER for some reason. The poor dog was so ashamed, he walked with his tail between his legs and would not go outside with out being forced.
I think it means the dress must come to your fingertips with your arms down at your sides which is about mid-thigh.
Silica face powder is made from silica microspheres not straight up crystalline silica which causes silicosis.
It's mainly the flash but also due to the makeup artist applying it so heavily. Silica powder is very good for blurring and she probably looks good in person. I never ever apply it heavily and buff it out under bright lights to avoid looking weird if any photos happen to be taken when I go out.
My birthday is Friday, if someone would get me goop brass knuckles it would makes my year.
I'm pretty sure I bought this shit at Spencer's when I was a teenager
Looks more like Charles Manson
Bald, shaved, cropped hair is considered a "fad" hairstyle and not allowed. They told us right away in boot camp that if we "pulled a GI Jane" we'd be wearing a wig until it grew back. Threw a wrench in my plans since I was gonna do that to piss of my mom.
The Bouzaglos scare me and I do not understand how ABC is still in business. I'm not surprised one bit to see it's her throwing up the accusations. They strike me as the type of folks who will do anything to keep their name in the news, and they sure have tried.