
Serious trip hazard. These pants need to be confiscated and disposed of due to their threat to public safety- and also to protect eyeballs from having to view such hideous crap.

This is kind of misleading because it's not color contacts, it's crappy novelty contacts that are not safe. You can get perfectly safe color contacts from an eye doctor. You can also get crazy looking ones that fit properly too.

LOL not my boyfriend! I wish he would slow the fuck down, his legs are like as long as my entire body and I can NOT keep up. He gets annoyed when he has to walk slow so he walks ahead, stops and waits most of the time. If it's crowded he won't leave me behind at least.

The hell beast: She wasn't the boss of the place but she was my direct supervisor. She was also BBFs with the boss so the boss was not interested in hearing about how awful this woman was. Whenever she didn't like what you were doing or something you did ages ago she would tell you so loudly in front of customers,

I actually had this as a shirt back in middle school.

I find this thigh gap business kinda funny because I used to get made fun of for having one. People used to joke that you could drive a car between my legs. It's only a teeeeeny little gap, maybe like 1/2 inch so I never really got why people thought it was such a big deal back in middle/ high school. I'm thankful to

Oops at me for having tacos on Monday.

People, especially other women always side eye me when I mention I'm feminist. I just tell them I'll stop being a feminist when I get paid the same as men and people stop asking what rape victims were wearing. It's pretty sad how people think feminists are just man hating hairy bitches.

I would NEVER date a dude that wears paisley pants. Grody to the max.

I bet he wonders why he's single

LMAO Kaytee? Like the bird food brand?

It's not just for humans either. Tons of dogs and cats are being named Sophie/ Sophia as well. It's getting annoying at work because we have a coworker named Sophie an adoptable dog named Sophie and an adoptable cat named Sophie.

She probably had no idea that they have a poisonous bite and coat their fur with their toxic saliva either. I'll pass on cuddling a slow loris, no matter how cute they are.

I still use this, but not for blackheads. It's the only thing that really gets rid of my dry patches. The ones with the little round bead things do nothing for me.

I stopped caring about my blackheads when I realized just about everyone has them too. My rosacea is a bigger issue when dealing with the public, any way thank god for makeup that covers everything up.

So I take it they can't just cross it out or cover it with white out or put "lol jk" next to it with pen.

Her shows always look like so much fun. Typically I find her stuff just a tad too tacky for my tastes but these are actually pretty cute. LOVE the pink wigs.

PETA is so embarrassing. Out of all the animal rights organizations PETA is the obnoxious cousin nobody likes . They are so over concerned with getting people to not eat meat that they lost the point. I don't even think they know wtf they're trying to do any more and the only people I know that take them seriously are

Sorry, but I totally need this like so so so bad. I can't smile, like at all. I feel like I'm smiling but all I'm doing is pulling my perma-frown into a straight line. If I try to pull the corners up I look like a deranged asshole trying to take a shit. I'm so sick of being told to smile and cheer up and getting

My boyfriend heard her "we can't stop" song for the first time yesterday and I had to explain to him that it was indeed by Billy Ray Cyrus's daughter "rebelling" against her Disney image. So glad he didn't watch this because there is no fucking way I could explain all this fuckery. Although the audience reaction