
I mean my star sign's cancer so thank you for that.

Innerspace capsule was Trump cure #2 if bleach infused blood couldn’t cure you

Or his hair.

Meanwhile, Scot Baio is still sitting by the phone... “Ring dammit. RING!” 

Yeah, it’s called Great Balls of Fire and you won’t believe what he does with his cousin.

When Dr. Oz won’t sign on, you know it’s a shitty con job.

Did they think Innerspace was a documentary?

That’s a serious Joker-esque grin Quaid has going on there.

Michael Caputo did not take a leave of absence to deal with cancer treatment.  He took a leave of absence because he was about to be fired for an online freakout where he accused government scientists fighting the pandemic of treason.  The guy is a complete fucking shitbag, just google the shit he did to make the

He actually joked about it in his She-Hulk run.

Actors? You mean they’re not re... [uncontrollable sobbing]

I believe this was in reference to the actors playing these characters, not where the characters themselves live.

Who’s going to play the voice of Crom? I nominate Gilbert Gottfried.

The actor is from Toronto. All three of those actors (not characters) are Canadian.

Goddammit I have this issue in my box of Ancient Comics Too Well-Loved to Be Worth Anything on the Vintage Market and now I’m gonna have to dig it out again.

That's his Hard Man Look. In Trump's world Hard Men wear orange foundation that they apply with a trowel.

Goscinny and Uderzo did that in 1975, the first page of Asterix And The Great Crossing.

I fully anticipate the one episode there’s a blizzard and the only thing we see is just a white screen.

Dinklage is Puck, right?

After watching that debate, figured you Houstonians had the rage and despair/frenzy thing covered.