
I remember when Biden and Palin were debating. He was showing the ties between Bush and McCain. When Palin objected to him pulling up all this past information, he countered with “the past is prologue.” I thought that was a pretty good line and a moment I’ve remembered from a VP debate. Unfortunately, there weren’t

We watched the whooooole thing. Wow. 

Who knows; he might need ciggies in jail and is willing to let them go for a (heh) song.

Even when debates were actual debates and not screaming matches, did anyone really care about the VP debate? Other than “You’re no Jack Kennedy”, has anything ever come out of them? Even still, I had to look up who actually said that to Quayle.

I saw it and couldn’t believe the malarkey! Cut it with the malarkey!

I’d rather mute their mics when it’s their turn to talk.

I would have never guessed two senile old men yelling at each other would have gone terribly

Zendaya was in the PT Barnum musical with Zac Efron and she was a Disney kid, so she can carry a tune well enough. I haven’t heard any of her albums to know if she’s an amazing singer though

I rewound that part of the tape over and over. It’s like a weird little piece of Bach.

True story, my kid’s school science teacher showed Dante’s Peak to her class (over two days no less) to show a realistic movie about what Super Volcanoes are like. My 10 year old could not stop laughing about how bad the science (and the acting) was in that film.

Yup Volcano(?) and Dantes Peak.

Fun fact: My brother and me were extras on this part in Deep Impact, though we didn’t actually see ourselves anywhere in the movie when we watched it.

Now playing

Yup, Volcano (Jones) and Dante’s Peak (Brosnan). I don’t remember anything about Volcano except character actor John Carroll Lynch getting one of the goofiest heroic death scenes I have ever seen:

Volcano and Dante’s Peak, respectively.

What are the biggest examples in film history of multiple similar films linked in people’s memory by plot similarity and timing? One that occurs to me is Fail-Safe being basically a dramatic version of Dr. Strangelove, released that same year, making them basically the Studio 60/30 Rock duo of movies.

The song. How dare they!! HAHA!

The Man Who Wasn’t Daredevil?

Ooh, esp. if Haley Atwell plays the Jennifer Jason Leigh character!

I’m thinking hapless, barely reformed criminal, obviously. H. I. McDunnough or Everett McGill.

I remember one critic writing that it was a mistake that never should have seen the light of day and the less said about it the better. I was like ‘Is that motherfucker on CRACK?! This shit is DOPE AS FUUUUCK!’ I still feel that way. I LOVE hearing the story of how it got made too.