
It really depends on what Coen Bros. genre you’re looking for.

Okay, this raises the question: How to do a superhero movie mashed up with the Coen Bros. style? An entry in the Ant-Man series seems obvious, but maybe something featuring a lesser-known, not-all-that-ambitious Marvel villain — something like Raising Arizona or O Brother, Where Art Thou?

I still remember the day Prince died. My dad came to visit me and we went out for pizza and just the entire time I was thinking “damn Prince is dead, how can life get better?” Went with a thin crust pizza with sausage though that was great, had a couple Peronis because the only other option was Bud Light.  

For a topic I love I don't have anything else to add. I love this album, will listen to the expanded version, Prince is awesome and fuck my life because I never got to see him live (as he hated Spain for some reason)

Emmy’s did something right! And I JUST started season 1 of Schitt’s Creek, so now I’m extra excited to keep going.

Megabyte, as voiced by prolific voice actor Tony Jay.

Very much agree with you that Billy Crudup was the standout, but I actually thought Jennifer Aniston was incredible. Felt like her most believable performance to me since... ever?

The first CGI TV show was actually the (obscure in the US) French TV show Insektors, which started shortly before Reboot. All things considered, it’s actually aged pretty well, and the character designs have considerable charm.

One of my favorite bits in the RBG documentary is when they show her a SNL clip of McKinnon’s impression, which she instantly recognizes and gets a laugh out of, even as she says it’s nothing like her at all.

2020 Goddamn.


I was a ytv junkie when reboot began.

Sadly not for Ratatouille or WALL-E. I'd love to have read Tom's discussion on those. 

(I remember thinking Toy Story was going to look cheap and polygonal, like the Canadian TV cartoon Reboot.)

I always wondered if, at any time in the development of the movie, they asked if Tom Hanks could do more of a “cowboy” voice for the character. The fact that he doesn’t - and yet does in his voicebox and the old TV show clips, along with Stinky Pete - further complicates the character: Woody not only knows he’s a toy

I was in my freshman year of college when this came out, and I forced my entire family to go see it. It took some convincing, since my parents were understandably loathe to go see a cartoon when they didn’t have small children anymore. But I kept shouting “But it’s gonna be amazing! A technological miracle!” I think

I fucking love this movie. It’s just so good.

I think O’Hara will definitely win in part due to her long career and also because her performance was on a whole other level. It was like watching a great athlete playing at the top of their game. I loved (loved) Annie Murphy’s performance (if anything, for the “T-Rex” arms she gave Alexis) but it’s a tough category

If there’s any actor from SC that I want to win, it’s Catherine O’Hara, because it’s due. But if there are any two, then it’s Annie Murphy as well, because holy shit, the things she did (physical acting and otherwise) over six seasons should not have worked, but it always did.

I love me some Annie Murphy and it would kind of suck for her if she’s the only actor on Schitt’s Creek who doesn’t win an Emmy but Betty Gilpin was soooo good