
Wow! You were into being into things before being into things was a thing.

I’m shocked a movie directed by noted liberal activist Rob Reiner would...

His family certainly fell in with the Rednexit crowd 

I am printing out this edgy reply so that I can shave with it if I ever go back to work.

I don’t even know how to process this comment.  I mean ... wha?  I think you are subjectively wrong on every single take, and I’m fairly certain you’re actually objectively wrong on most of them too.

Careful there, you might cut yourself on that edge.

Just a reminder- Ted Cruz comes from Calgary, and as an Albertan I know this is one of A LOT of things Calgarians have to answer for. What the fuck, Calgary?!

Love The New Photographers.

Nearly burned myself on that hot take.

Goldfrapp was considered “Parent Rock” in 2000? Their debut album just came in September 2000 and they had only formed the year before...

I saw the Hives live back in the day. Man, did they ever embody the old James Brown ethos of “Kill’em and leave ...” 

Thank you for the penguin. Was gonna have to burn my eyes out, otherwise.

I don’t believe in the text Daphne du Maurier ever says Mrs Danvers is old. She describes her as gaunt, incredibly pale, and having prominent cheekbones that give her a “skull’s face” but I don’t believe ever references her age, other than that she was a caretaker to Rebecca when Rebecca was a child.

Now playing

Have you seen her menopause speech in Fleabag?

Hey, this is America. We can be stupid in LOTS of different ways at the same time!

Couldn’t this also be an indictment on the stupid cost of medicine in the US?  I mean the people that went to Sturgis deserve every bit of illness and vitriol they have coming, but $46,000 per case?  The whole thing is stupid, from beginning to end.

This is ideal timing for a remake, since Joan Fontaine’s bitter ghost is preoccupied at the moment fighting with her sister Olivia DeHavilland.

It’s really starting to bug the crap out of me whenever I see a movie like this called a “remake.” Just because the book was adapted before, this is another adaptation of the book (which the trailer itself even says), not a remake of that film. It’s not like we call every adaptation of, say, The Three Musketeers a

I’m not planning to run to the theater for this, but that’s solid casting.

We are definitely through the looking glass here people