
Ha. Interesting thing about that TNG episode: although Kelsey Grammer identifies himself as Captain Morgan Bateson, he’s actually Dr. Frasier Crane, who went through a freak wormhole into the future and enlisted in Starfleet. But he didn’t go far forward enough, so he created that time anomaly to go to TNG times. Why?

And with his plasma coursing through the veins of people around the world, thus will begin the Hankocene era of human history.

On Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me over the weekend, Hanks shared that he and his wife Rita have been donating plasma to any lab requesting researching Covid-19 research in what he hopes will be called the “Hankcine.”

So that’s NOT Alison Hannigan? Huh.

Hey, you’re on your own. I’m just wondering how they dug up this photo of me and Jeffery Dahmer.

That’s about as bad as Louis and Bebe Barron being ineligible for “Best Original Score” for Forbidden Planet because they weren’t members of the Composers’ Union.

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His sountrack for The Battle of Algiers is phenomenal and I love it.


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Two Mules for Sister Sara is a pretty mediocre movie so it’s not brought up much in the Morricone canon, but I have a real soft spot for it (and adored its use in Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows).

Worse than that. They refused to consider him because the American distributors, in producing their massacred, massively-shortened, chronologically-rearranged North American cut, accidentally (or more accurately ‘carelessly’) cut the part of the credits sequence with his name in it. Even though he was properly

He probably would have gotten it for Once Upon a Time in America, which Sergio Leone himself described as the best thing Morricone had ever done for him, except some idiot made a typo on the entry form.

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Like Scorsese for The Departed, his Oscar for The Hateful Eight was as well-deserved as it was overdue.

Meanwhile, they ran this photo showing Obama and Epstein together...

As an inhabitant of the driest state in the driest inhabited continent on earth (which had its most horrific bushfire season in the long ago days of January 2020), watching all these fireworks going off gave me serious anxiety. Why so many explosions?

“Snakes. Why did there have to be snakes”

I want see drone footage from a drone flying through the air where the fire works are exploding. But I don’t know what the chances of it not getting hit is. 

You’re right, they should have sent a poet.

no reflection off of an eyeball, no deal

Its currently streaming on Amazon Prime if you have a sub. I do fondly remember that Kravitz video from my puberty years, but her look and her dresses in Compulsion turn me into the wolf from Tex Avery cartoons:

I feel the same way about Gugu Mbawtha Raw.