
Also then I went back and read your nonsense about politics. I’m not American so I have a great perspective to ask you why you don’t think Trump and the Republicans aren’t thinking the exact same way? Willng to give you folks “another chance” blah blah.

Credit to Brett’s actor. His moment of realization was so well executed that I actually felt bad to see the hurt on his face.

It’s a variation on the Mindy St. Claire situation. Mindy only reached the Medium Place because her absolute last act was to perform the very first step of an expansive project to earn lots of Good Place points, and they couldn’t figure out how to allocate the points properly.

This episode showed why Simone wasn’t right for Chidi. Eleanor would have stayed to help Chidi because she loves him. The furthest Simone can go is to respect his position. I thought it was a really great subversion. And can I just have Chidi and Eleanor back plz for awhile before the end? In a really great way I

Series finale’s are an interesting topic for those like me who like to do deep dives into storytelling. There’s a lot of IMHO here, so just add it to every sentence.

I was 17 in 1993, and watched the series finale raptly. Quantum Leap was one of my favorite shows. When that title card came up, big ,tough, I could take anything me BURST into tears! It was like all of my upcoming adult-ness was stripped away, and I was five again. SAM....HAD....To....GET...Home. My Mom caught me

There are several people on the internet that will claim this is definitive proof that the Hadron Collider has created another Mandela Effect.

Also agreed!

signed a Star Trek fan since the 70s as well

I hope ST Discovery was watching and learning because THIS is how u do a season finale on a grand scale.  Sure not everything was perfect, but good writing, competent story advancement, and actual character development go a long way when it comes to covering up oddities (like how all the bottles at the Orville bar

I love THE ORVILLE 3000x more than ST DISCOVERY. I get it that STD wanted to set itself apart in ST history. The regular people of The Orville universe make the show superior. SO well done Seth & I want more!

Personally, i’m Glad they didn’t do that. Discovery spent way more time in the Mirror Universe than it should have and it annoyed the heck out of me (especially given the entirety of Discovery feels like a Mirror Universe already).

Side note: Kelly’s boobs were incredibly distracting. And not in a great way.

My wife, who likes the show more than I do, made multiple comments about Kelly’s boobs, and not in a good way. I honestly hadn’t really noticed, but once you see them out there, you can’t unsee them.

And the art department was taking a look at ‘Alien’ and ‘Stargate’, which is a good thing. I enjoyed looking at a ship that didn’t look like a gray squid with external ovaries.

I will stick with this show because I appreciate MacFarlane doing a weekly SciFi show with a mix of humor and drama, and I can tolerate the wide variations in tone because I think the show is trying to make a point without shoving it down the viewer’s throat. I do have one nagging complaint and bother about the

I’m so done paying for television on top of the television I’m already paying for. Meaning, you can take Star-Trek Discovery and put it down an unrecoverable black hole. I don’t care. Because I know for sure there isn’t a scifi show airing today that’s better than The Orville. Seth MacFarlane is crushing it. The

I also believe Kelli was the one to convince the Krill to join the fight that helped turn the tide.

I loved this season, but was really disappointed by the finale. I was hoping they’d use the opportunity to pursue a new timeline: same characters, same ship, but a new dynamic and history between the characters. That could have made for a very fresh 3rd season, and they could have had a lot of fun with the new

This was a fascinating article, and I also recommend it. There are twin challenges of imaging trapped ink and interpreting irregularly rolled surfaces.

This technology should help read the Herculaneum scrolls, entombed by Mt. Vesuvius in A.D. 79: