
You said, very well, exactly what I wanted to. I though the whole cameo and end scene was just a fun thing they threw on because they managed to land her for it. I severely want a Harvey Birdman reference at some point. 


What a reasonable, empathetic response to a throwaway scene on a superhero show.

While I am ambivalent to the whole scene (I just don’t get the appeal), I’m also more than willing to admit and acknowledge that *MY* ambivalence does not in any capacity diminish the appeal of it for the audience to whom it does appeal. And to that part of the show’s audience, I happily and sincerely say, “Enjoy!” (wi

If they went through the Galactic barrier, at least one of them should have gotten Gary Mitchell powers. 

I don’t want to get too political here but... how often have more technologically advanced civilizations in human history gone to far away lands and absolutely brutalized the ecology to extract resources with little regard for what they were destroying? I mean they don’t live there. Its literally like the entirety of

Her excellent Rosemary Clooney impression?

“Santa Song” was great and you all know why. Just admit it.

I actually liked the Santa song sketch. *shrug*

Billie Eilish has star power. I liked her musical performances a lot, but I was most impressed by how she held up during the sketches. Sometimes did better than the actual cast. Good episode! Felt like it went by quickly, which I think is a good thing.

Remember how awesome old school io9 was? I miss everything before this Kinja crap. 

And to reply to myself, it’s even worse: to post or see comments — or even to see replies to comments you’ve made — you have to tab through the entire series AGAIN.


It reminds me of how in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s classic era Hollywood directors like Otto Preminger would make countercultural movies to show that they were still “with it.” I guess it’s great that Spielberg likes Overwatch and Halo, but that doesn’t improve the material.

Have you read Jaws? It’s total shit. Hopper has an affair with Mrs. Brody, and there’s a sublot involving New York mobsters, because it’s the eary 1970s and Godfather was the biggest movie on the planet. Almost everything people love about the movie is absent — no “You’re gonna need a bigger boat,” no USS Indianapolis

This movie is built off of ONE bad decision which is so preposterous that the whole premise falls apart as soon as you think about it for one second- entrusting the entirety security of the park to ONE employee. Making dinosaurs is a GREAT idea- there is literally no reason to believe that in the real world anything

The Bollywood angle just ramped up my interest by 200%.

Because that was a true story, this is for fictional presidents

I like to think that the ending was the energy or “wave” of Eleanor, going back into the ocean, becoming that voice in someone’s head telling them to do the right thing. It felt like a spark of her landed on Michael’s neighbor and that was what made him un-chuck the letter and deliver it to its intended recipient. And

I cried or laugh-cried the whole forking episode. Probably the hardest when Tahani finally gets validation from her parents.