
I agree.

If I had a Quatloo for every time someone said that to me!

Excellent point. And I think the writers will make that point. 

Yes! Her red dress looked very much like the black dress that Clooney wore in White Christmas. Also the hair was almost exactly the same.
I want to know what the melody was based on and who wrote the lyrics.
I was a pretty song and Billie really brought a sparkle to it.
I’ve never really heard her sing before and I

What?! If he’s not doing The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T he’s a poser! One of the creepiest movies I ever saw as a child. I thought I was a nightmare until I saw it again as an adult. The “drum punishment?” OMG! Terrifying especially to a child who didn’t practice the piano enough!

I’m not a Parks & Rec watcher, but I am of Community. The Community reunion where the read the script of an earlier show was just okay, but the second half, where the cast talked about the show was GREAT!!
So wonderful. If you were a fan of Community, seek out that video.

OMG. Ex Cal Abar! That’s some fancy punning!

I don’t know what part of my “nonsense about politics” you read. But to answer your question. How do I know that “Trump and the Republicans aren’t thinking the exact same way?” because I DO live in America and I follow politics very closely. I’m talking about how the Republican leadership has been acting for years.

Excellent point about Simone and Chidi. I do want to see their relationship go on because they deserve it.
I was glad that it looked like Brent was going to change, because he is one of the toughest nuts to crack. He is so self-centered you want to say, ‘Screw it, let him die.” But one of the things that we want the

I feel you. 

In my universe Al Gore was the President. It’s a nightmare! Everyone has goatees and beards. Even the women!

Also Ed not killing the Krill spy.

Yes, Claire was the Lynch pin, but also think about the role that Ed and Kelly played to the help of the Krell. Remember they came in during the battle and helped stop the Kaylons.

We already have too many TV series with dark and grim realities, Orville stands alone as the hopeful vision, and it should stay that way.”
Well said. I agree with this. 

“Hoooooooboy, I was rolling my eyes so hard I’m pretty sure I woke my kids.”
The last few episodes were filled with so many eye rolling moments. And the pomposity! The. Intense. Sentences. With. Deep. Feeling.
Look. I know a lot about Time Travel, having been doing it my entire life, and I’m just astonished

Totally agree. I did a lot of eye rolling in this episode. Lots of cheezy dialog and overacting.

Great comment Ellestra. I really liked this episode too. I especially like thinking, “When there are these big conflicts going, there are real people who are making decisions. I want to know why and who they are. I like that Naomi is complex. I love that Holden, understands but still doesn’t like it.

Ha! I saw that too. When I was watching the show I remember thinking of the other characters on the ship thinking “Who is from the SG-1, BSG Vancouver SF acting complex?” We like to call the characters in the new shows by the show we know them best for. “Oh look it’s Chief from BSG!”

Thank you! I remember thinking. I REALLY like her character. I WANT someone who is smart and doesn’t want to just get everyone killed.

Thank you for that! Love it.