
I now refer to seasons where shows went off the rails as “The gas leak year” like they did in Community when Dan Harmon was removed.

Wheee! Great review Katharine. I love how well you describe the problems with the writing and the reliance on twists. Personally I just roll my eyes in a very Vulcan fashion, which in a human would be the equivalent of screaming at the TV. “Are you f’ing kidding me?”
How will they solve the dead doctor problem? I’m

Cut @hllndscttthms some slack he’s my daaaaad.

Also, what earth is this? In the scrap book it says, C-137. Latter you see his Federation card. But look at the clues! Is this the Pickle Rick universe?

@Jones Foyer This is what I’m talking about. See the note signed by Summer?

Ah ha! That means you didn’t notice the conquakulations card signed by Summer at 1:44 seconds! I would attach a photo but I can’t figure out how

I was thinking of doing a parody of the “easter egg reveals” in this video and make up a bunch of ridiculous hints, but then I thought I’d just wait for someone to do a REAL reveal of the video and then mock them. It will save me a lot of time. And I don’t want to waste my time. because that would be falling into

Did you spot the multiple easter eggs in that short? If not, be sure to watch my 45 minute break down of each frame on YouTube! Don’t forget to subscribe and like my videos! Wabba dubba dub dub!!

You know what episode I was thinking of? ST:TOS the one with the happy spores that made Spock happy for the first time in his life. Just like Saru was unafraid for the first time in his life.

You know what else I’m getting from The Orville? Stargate SG-1.
Even to the point of the the dead pan alien saying, “Indeed.”
Planet of the month that looks like somewhere in Canada.

I really like ST:The Orville. I thought this episode of ST:DISCO was weak. Very confusing. There were a few episodes of ST:D that were good. This wasn’t one of them.

I love you calling The Orville, ST:TO!!
Agreed. I’m liking the Orville much better than ST: DISCO

I’m totally down with BW and JJ. I only watched The Defenders for JJ (and maybe a bit of Luke Cage.)

This makes me want to watch some really good UFO documentaries or something LIKE one, like the X-Files. Any suggestions?


“it’s pretty unlikely a pivotal moment will revolve around two characters both having mothers named Hippolyta, “

HA! Good one.

At the beginning of Supergirl I found Cat Grant annoying, but grew to see how important she was to the show. Watching Supergirl this season made me miss her input in soo many way.

I don’t know. io9 readers are pretty savvy. I got it, I’m sure the good  Dr Emilio Lizardo got it too.

Coming soon, “The 40 year old Teenager”

Well as nobody I know used to say. “Every pot has a lid.” I’m glad you liked it.
Second season has been fun. I also liked parts of season one too.

Have you seen Arrival yet?