
Boy. I hear you. I feel that way about Black Mirror season one episode one.

For me the worst was D.C. Legends of Tomorrow. I kept thinking it would get better in Season one. Then I stopped watching. I heard Season two was better, it was because they got rid of Rip. but still sucked. I had to watch it because of the Flash Supergirl cross overs, but I resented it. So I caught up on it on

Torchwood Miracle Day was soooo disappointing after the BRILLIANCE that was Children of Earth.

I’m gong to go ahead and say. Fake. I’m sure things like this happen all the time, but it just seems too. “This would be so cool to do a video of! We’ll have a dude BOXING a Kangaroo! And the reason? To save a dog!”
Will get a million hits! Reddit will eat it up!

Are you me? I read this post and I thought “Did I write this a year ago and forget it?” where you at SF in SF when I asked Gould about the movie? Did you hear him say that the movie rights gave him and his brilliant writer wife the opportunity to keep writing?

Look how accurate!

I don’t see anyone talking about Dolores father, played by .Louis Herthum. His scenes when looking at the photo and especially in the lab were stunning. I don’t know how much of that was the actor and how much was CGI tricks. but it was wild. The range! I hope to find out that it was all (or mostly all) the actor

Ohh. Good one! Also, think about her story line.

Thank you for mentioning that. I was going to say the same. I also think about the idea of the desire to use/act out the violent impulses that might have been part of our evolution to survive. Instead of directing them at other humans or for finding food and surviving, direct them at objects that won’t feel real pain.

That was the SG-1 plan. OH, you are talking about WormHole Extreme. It’s a very funny show. Ridiculous to think something like that is real! 

Was it this guy? I’m just sayin’

I’m glad someone his having fun with the show. in the beginning I wanted to like it. But ssooo many episodes of bad dialogue and idio ball carrying by multiple members.

Must. Hear. Details. Link?

Thanks. I rewrote the ending to make it longer and less funny, in the spirit of SF reboots... Here is the new ending.

Thank you for pointing that out. I’m now going to rewatch the movie.

SE “We need a cute alien. You know, for the kids! We can sell more toys with it.
AA: How about we do a take on the Space Money in the TV show?

Yeah, it’s strange. What to know what else is strange. I chose that photo because I couldn’t find one of Mimi alone that had decent resolution. And the Heather one that was good? The only one I found was from a nazi skin head white supremacist website Stormfront. I went to it by mistake, and that just pisses me off.
