
I'm really thinking about the issue of time travel and changing timelines.

I agree. If io9 (or the family of Denton sites) wanted to develop their community more they could. But things like messing up the commenting system and burying the ability to interact with others easily keeps blocking it. For example there are people here who I regularly would like to know what they have to say on

I blame auto correct!

Seconded what the Modgeridan said. You were not alone in your views. Too bad we didnt have io9 in those days to find like minded people.

AnnaLee. Thank you for this topic! I was just talking to someone the other day about how much my attitude toward war was impacted by the TV show MASH, but I realized that it was also impacted by Star Trek (of course) and The Forever War.

And a different timeline would explain the "Resist" posters. Here's the thing, if the Observers can move from the Future to the past, will Peter be able to? Might he be able to travel back in Time and fix the entire problem? Might that be September's solution? It does require a lot of power, Anti-matter they have,

Now about the opening of the different wormhole right after the antimatter grenade one closed the first one.

I was going to say the same thing. "Thanks Chip for getting there first!"

I realized just how important the comments were. I hope you all get it at the highest levels. Partly because I like to comment, but also because I like other's comments. I wish we could heart and friend people so I could thank others for their comments.

I totally agree. I misses the comments so much.

I think this should be under THIS. IS. AWESOME. or This is hilarious. VERY very funny.

I wonder if her insurance company will cover the costs of replacing that shingle?

Oh great, now everyone is going to want to go all Twilite on us. Me, my blood type is T- and it's hard to find someone to get blood from. It's fairly rare, my dad had it and so do I. Of course he did mentally freak out in his later years, or so I heard from a Starship friend of mine.


Esther, it is important that you figure how to hack into the Alien's computer system. If we have learned anything from the movie ID4, the alien computer system is very much like ours. See if you can hack into their system and get a layout to the ship, look for escape pods and or the secondary engine control. If you

How do I heart you? Excellent point. You know all that stuff that James O'Keefe did with Acorn, NPR and Planned Parenthood? All fake, made up with selective editing and run on Fox as if it was real. It was vetted, they didn't demand that they see all the footage, but it worked. BTW, did you know that legally Fox can't

Oh and you think she was just mugging for the camera and didn't disappear?

And what the hell is going on here? Look at that Alien hand. Just look at it!

Oh you all are jolly jokers, but just LOOK at the terror in Esther's face. Just look at it!

"There are no straight lines in nature." Take THAT Prometheus!