
Dr. Bershel's rationale is perfectly consistent with the tenants of informed consent. She is simply permitting the parents (as patently wrong as they may be) to opt for a choice provided by the law. Unless the law, or child protective services, indicates that vaccinations are a public health requirement, her stand

what pissed me off the most was the fact that he didn't wipe the existing hair off of the tweezers in between pulls. Like START FRESH OMG

Ohhh good call. I always considered the people with the force to be on a higher level than just a telepathic or the like.

Yeah I want no part of this NERD firght!!!

Thank goodness for chemistry. I love that little tablet. For me, it's not *exactly* the "happy, skinny, sexy pill" as it was purported to be. But it doesn't make me want to sleep 12 hours a day like my former one and the more frequent even keel feeling is very, very welcome.

Just came to say Wellbutrin for the win. When my doctor and I began discussing anti-depressants, I confessed that the o's were the only thing keeping me going.

WW2 still has major impact on people and economy. That's a fact. Go preach to other uneducated masses.


Also, I would not open your mouth about Soviet 'hordes' in WW2, that was fighting with no gear under extreme conditions and how they treated people.

Especially when geneva

God, you righties HATE THE GUY SO MUCH, that you'll blame him for everything. ZOMG Russia has a train nuke. You know we still have about 20,000 nukes pointed at Russia, right? And that any exchange will result in the deaths of you, me, and anybody we've ever met, right?

Happens literally all the time. It's called whitewashing, and it's occurred to figures from Jesus and Cleopatra to Othello, to pretty much anything you can think of.

Pffft, no.

He took the humble route? Of course he did, magnificent bastard.

You really can't imagine yourself being a giraffe?? I could! Free your mind, and the rest will follow! Also, my holiday wish for you is multiple O's. I think that's why I look 10 years younger than I actually am. ;-)

I am an incredibly orgasmic woman, and even more so once I hit mid-thirties—BOOM! Like a whole new woman lept out from between my legs!!!

I'd argue that the train doesn't need to be moving to fire the nuke......

I'm really sad that this isn't trains powered by nuclear reactors.

Now playing

This was on HBO all the time when I was very young. I had no idea what the hell it was about, but I liked the faceless robot dude in the old-timey engineer overalls. I remember humming the melancholy theme song too.

Futureworld and The Warriors were two of my favorite movies that were on HBO all the time back in the 80s.

I loved "In Search of..." when I was a kid. I couldn't separate Nemoy from Spock, and his calm (logical) voice made it all more believable.

Alien Autopsy made me long for the, uh, honesty of "In Search Of..."