
I wouldn’t consider it a Keanau Reeves movie given that Peter Stormare and Tilda Swinton just take the film away from him at the end. It’s a very entertaining movie until you hit that jarring point where you realize you just spent an hour and ten minutes of introduction to a story about Gabriel and Lucifer being about

Pretty sure Melania sold her soul, and her dignity, in the devil’s bargain of marriage to Drumpf.

If there’s one Obama conspiracy I hope is true, it’s that he’ll declare martial law and try to claim a 3rd term.

It’s going to premier in May at the earliest. Cancel until then. Send CBS a message. The line must be drawn here! This far, no farther!

Lol, you are an optimist if you think we’ll have electricity two years from now.

Now playing

Watching animals eat is all I am going to do for the next four years.

Did you read the article? Just because there aren’t “overly harmful” levels of something in the air doesn’t mean someone who’s allergic to it wouldn’t be affected. If there’s a peanut butter sandwich in a room full of kids and one of them is allergic to peanuts, even just smelling the peanut butter can trigger a

shut up, dorks

Do you know where Mitch is?

“The artwork was moved to a government storage facility”

Public art is, generally, a good thing. $750,000 doesn’t seem too excessive for this.

Not even close, Mothra is:

It’s not.

“They ain’t live near the surface nor the trenches of thine ocean”

They should see if it can filter out some of that fake news on Facebook.

Because giant manta rays are a protected species, the researchers weren’t able to snatch a specimen and peer into its stomach—a procedure that’s potentially distressing and lethal.

That trailer. *chokes up* That damn trailer...

‘10 Cloverfield Lane’ would have been a bargain-basement, mediocre thriller with a sub-M. Night twist if not for John Goodman. With John Goodman, it’s one of the best goddamn movies released this year. He’s SO FUCKING GOOD in it. The Scattergories scene alone is worth watching the whole film for.

That and the ridiculously solid resale value.