
That’s a lot of apostrophes for Klingon names. Kor, Kang, Worf, Kahless — names that sound like noises a bear would make are good Klingon names. L’Rell and T’Kuvma sound like Vulcan female names >>:/

Wood dust probably kicked up during the installation.

Forgot her!

YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!! He’s fucking BEAUTIFUL. By far the best-looking Kaiju in the world.

Thanksgiving casserole: cubed turkey, cubed tart green apple, cubed Swiss cheese. Mix, bake until cheese is melty. Profit.

“Glorious Black Peppercorn Confetti-Extravaganza” is now my drag name.

lol fat little leg

Every time there’s a new Doctor I say, “This one. This one is my favorite Doctor. My Doctor.” But this time, I really mean it. Peter Capaldi is my Doctor.

What is this from?

“He gives me that bad juror vibe.”

Late 1940s noir Los Angeles. I’d totally be some down on his heels private dick’s tough-as-nails-angel-face-with-a- vavoom-body secretary. I’d have nice gams and call men saps and chumps and carry a little silver snubbed-nose revolver in my garter. And the gumshoe would have long eyelashes, thick, tousled hair and



“...with its short little fingers”

Are those hand impressions on her upper arms? It looks like she was grabbed pretty hard by the arms.

So very elegant.

Ohgodohgodohgod...ok...deep breath...*click*...*covers eyes*...*uncovers eyes*... Gaahhh!

Nice try, Shkreli’s mom.

Nice try, Shkreli.

That's someone who has lived alone too long.