
i totally would've been grabbing it all, not stopping. and what are these people doing just taking videos? get down there!

For real, though.

No contest.

Maybe the Honda was tailgating earlier and that was the Saturn "teaching her a lesson". People love break-check highway justice in America.

Being a no-driving jackhole.

What I especially love is that slight crack in Picard's voice as he orders the evacuation of the ship. It's heartbreaking for him.

And star trek establishes this from the very beginning. James T. Kirk is not just any kind of ship captain he is a STARSHIP captain, he is a genius and not at being in command, he has taught at the Academy, he can beat Mr. Spock at 3-D chess, and every one of the members of his command are just as capable they are

"Something that is really great about Star Trek, is that when a character notices something is amiss, and they are the only one to see it, the rest of the crew doesn't just dismiss their concerns offhand. You aren't saddled with an episode of the character trying to convince everyone else that what they saw / heard/

I always joke that Starfleet represents a future where literature nerds can become starship captains, where the ability to drop a literary allusion is crucial to one's ability to explore the cosmos.

TRIVIA: I HAVE NO UVULA. (It was removed as part of the same surgery that I had to remove my tonsils)

Fun fact: Aurochs is actually both singular and plural (there's no such thing as an "auroch"). This is because the aur part is the original name for the beast, and the ochs part is related to the English word "ox" and means just that. Also worth note is the fact that they're extinct now.

Reminds me of the Bubble Guppies when Nonny finds a complete fossil on accident.

It's funny as I sit here thinking about the places I would love to visit, places from my childhood dreams like Mars, the Moon, the Challenger Deep here on Earth, I realized that they are all just mud, rocks or dust. Nothing that special to see there. So, I'd like to see the old places, our beginnings as mankind,

Honey, listen. If he imprisoned you in a parallel universe when you broke up, he's moved on. Stop calling.

I grew up calling Mexico Meso America. Have I been lied to? DAMN YOU HIGH SCHOOL!

I laughed so hard at every joke in this piece people think I have Robin Williams in my office doing stand-up from 1986. OMG. OMG Lindy.
