
This is nightmare #2. Nightmare #1 is this except, no cop, no car but a cute guy, me and a stuck elevator.

You can get some awesome used leather jackets off eBay and Etsy. I have a couple that were custom made for whoever back in the day. Beautiful, quality work with years of use left in them. One was $100 and the other was $40. I tend toward the styles of the 60s/70s. I just got an ivory colored pimp single-breasted with

I encountered him years ago on an plane out of LAX. He grabbed my hand and kissed my fingers and told me I was beautiful. So sweet!

This supports my very unpopular opinion that, while vividly imaginative and supremely creative, JK Rowling is just not that good a writer.

Nerd on, dude. *devil horns*

The saddest thing about this movie is that its creators decided that Nina was ugly.

Mine was 5 years of both eyes closed and one eyebrow raised, a la Spock — an expression I cannot for the life of me recreate.

lol cash and prizes.

Big fat motherfucking THIS.


I'll have to read that one.

I won’t be seeing this because she make me want to peel off my skin in thin strips with pliers.

Summer of Night was pretty scary.

So...you’re saying that the only other non-lead roles for people of color in these shows would be as servants?

There was nothing inadvertent about Carol traumatizing that kid. Carol got exactly the outcome she wanted/predicted. He was weak and disobedient. If they had to run, his coddled ass was going to get someone killed. Oh, look. He got his whole family nom’d.

Also, there might be a trust or insurance policy somewhere that they left to his gran that might be his now.

That looks DELICIOUS. What could be better than chitlin sausage with chips? Do you remember the name of the restaurant in Lyon?

Cough syrup.

Grilled andouillette with some collard greens, yams and corn bread is fucking delicious. You philistines don't know shit.

The one guy who opposed the locked access doors policy when I lived in the dorms was the one guy who would always be lurking around the girls’ floor shower, be all manspread in his bathrobe on the couch in our study room or “jokingly” twisting doorknobs on individual rooms. He’d always be alone when he did these