
Eh. Don't do it. What's the point? It's a dick move and it's not even original. It's not about what you believe but it is kinda like defacing someone else's property.

I experienced alopecia areata over the last two years. I think for me it was a combination of changing hormones, going off the pill, stress, long-term iron deficiency, and a beta blocker medication. I also think it was happening off and on throughout my life but I didn't notice. I started taking a multivitamin, extra

I was at a party with my boyfriend who was immersed in a game of pool. I sat for an hour on some stairs and talked and laughed with my boyfriend's best friend. Oh man, was I crazy in love with that guy.

Oh, for fuck's sake.

" When the human race can be trusted as fully accepting of one another, and 100% willing to cooperate with each other to make ALL our lives better and work in the best interests of every equally, we will have come to understand that to practice eugenics is as ridiculous as practicing spells and concocting potions used


There's about 12 of me.

Yo, dawg. I heard you like breakfast...

My parent's names are Prince and Precious. Thank Dog they did not stay together.

I have a slight Authority fetish and this dude is pushing all my buttons. Is that wrong? His message is totally important but he makes my cookie feel all gooshie.

Just when you thought maaaaybe Dukat was, if not sympathetic, was perhaps misunderstood, he would go and do some shit that was off-the-charts fucked up. Loved him.

I. Love. You.

GIS "Zoe Saldana ballerina", y'all. She does have a thin frame and she is very strong. She is really beautiful but if you think that makes it easy for actors —especially women— of African decent, you're misguided. And don't mistake her naturally reticent personality for lack of intellect. She is very bright.

This was supposed too post to that Zoe Saldana hate on her weight article.

GIS "Zoe Saldana ballerina", y'all. She does have a thin frame and she is very strong. She is really beautiful but if you think that makes it easy for actors —especially women— of African decent, you're mis-guided. And don't mistake her naturally reticent personality for lack of intellect. She is very bright.

I was in a crap mood until I read your comment.


Clitoral tissue can extend a couple of inches into the body. That may be what you feel. There is no evidence of a "g-spot" as a separate organ. As a woman, I do wish it could be proven to exist. It hasn't been. Calm down, Ravenmanez.

No. Not what ravenmanez said.