
Don't freak out but miconazole works for both scalp and facial skin as a treatment for seborrheic dermatitis. Miconazole is the active ingredient in Monistat, a vaginal anti-fungal cream. Seriously. I got it originally as a tip from a make up artist then followed up with my dermatologist. He said to go for it

I love you.

They weren't trying to be pin up girls. But they are perfect examples of wit, intelligence and confidence bringing success.

Damn. +1

Right?! I work in health care and all I see is hot, brilliant doctors. I've dated 6 in the last 10 years. I wouldn't call myself a fattie — anymore — but I don't have the dancer's body I used to. Doctors are pretty forgiving of flab and stretchmarks. "It's just flesh," most of them said — even the ones who were

Don't be a dick.


Sweet Baby Jesus, yes.

My dog is a picky chewer but he loves bully sticks. Unfortunately, he only wants the 4-6 inch, pencil thin, dark, greasy, stinky sticks. I can't find them anywhere! bestbullysticks.com seems to only have the low-odor sticks. Any recommendations?

I was in a shitty mood until I read this. +1


Glenn and Daryl would like a word...

I loved Ted. Loved it. There. I said it.

Spock saved the world and the whales and came back from the dead to do it!!

Uh, not really that hard for him even now...

She's kind of an over-sharer...


I'm getting to the point that if loving Tom Cruise is wrong, I don't want to be right. I successfully disliked him for many years but he made me love him. I didn't wanna do it.

I was gonna say! There are only a few instances when an owl is actually good luck. Like, if your fields have a mouse infestation. But this...oh man.
