Splint Chesthair

Nothing is more bewildering to me than the idea that there’s a “ruling class” of elites who are installed in the highest levels of our society and yet can’t get fucking anything done. “Our leaders” have realized they can get rich from weed? Which ones? The “ruling class” doesn’t want men to make more money than women?

Sometime in the future:

I always get a headache when anyone uses “agenda-driven” as a pejorative. Like, no shit they’re driven by an agenda. Nobody does anything without an agenda. Are these boycotts supposed to emerge organically out of random happenstance? Somebody wants something to happen - OH NO.

Too much is never enough for people like this.

This pink motherfucker right here.

Alexa, what company does Steve King keep?

dang it

“...where young white people with rich parents seemingly pull all the strings...”

Proof again that “triggering” is the only principle modern conservatives subscribe to.

I’ve been saying it for a long, long time, but DC should be trying to be Pixar, not Marvel Studios. Lean into what makes, say, Aquaman different from Batman instead of trying to squeeze them all into the same box. Don’t be afraid to give Wonder Woman a completely different art style from Green Lantern. Forget building

So many fuckers focus on the “cult” part but forget the “personality” part.

Suddenly, a pirate ship appeared on the horizon!

Cool idea, WB. Charge less for stuff people have actually heard of and want to watch, but charge more for the stuff no one gives a shit about.

Those are both OPINIONS, Yahoo.

- The A.V. Club

That’s totally fair, but my take on it is that the human characters aren’t supposed to outshine the monsters. It’s a movie about how insignificant we are in the grand scheme, and stripping the human characters down to the barest of bones after Cranston’s exit underscores that. I’m not trying to tell anyone they’re

There’s nothing wrong with wanting more Godzilla in a Godzilla movie, but I read how the movie uses him a little differently. You’re right that it doesn’t focus on Godzilla much, but what it does do is focus on his presence. Like the tsunami he causes when he emerges in Hawaii, the movie goes out of its way to

I’m a big fan of both movies, but I can understand why people were disappointed with G14's sparing approach to both Godzilla and Cranston. Ordinarily, you’d want to keep an actor of his caliber onscreen for as long as you can, but I thought his character was utilized very well in the context of the story. Godzilla ‘14

According to the header photo, the alt-right has finally gotten to Garth Merenghi. Can’t say I’m surprised, unfortunately.

“If you want to change our minds about this issue, keep your mouth shut and let us keep doing whatever the fuck we want!!!”