This is certainly it. KotH is those ridges they put in the highway to get your attention before a stop sign.
This is certainly it. KotH is those ridges they put in the highway to get your attention before a stop sign.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"Sir, sir! I can't understand you, you're going to have to calm down and speak slowly."
I don't have a strong opinion about those things either way, except that I wonder how they can sustain the business model of making so goddamn many of them. It won't be the rising seas that finally drown mankind - it'll be an ocean of unsold Funko Pops from "Pride And Prejudice And Zombies" and "Son of Zorn" and…
Luke figured this out in Return of the Jedi - Yoda and Obi-Wan were pushing him to kill Vader but he bucked them both and went his own way because he believed Vader didn’t have to be fixed on the Dark Side. Because Luke didn’t grow up believing in all the Jedi orthodoxy about Light/Dark being mutually exclusive, he…
(20 minutes of a middle-aged intellectual property lawyer ignoring a letter from Shout Factory)
What do you think the word "bandwagon" means? Just looking for some context.
REPORTER: Director Scaramucci, now that the Russian hotel urine tape has been released, what is the White House's official response?
SCARAMUCCI: What's the response? Da fuck outta here widdis! (grabs crotch) Oh!
TRUMP: (watching on TV) That's tremendous.
I don't know, man. My three-year-old is really good at hiding my car keys, so certainly that means he would be really good at driving, right?
You don't say…
But yeah, this piece of shit who supported Trump and hangs out with Sarah Palin is just SO GOLDURN TIRED of all this political extremism, you know? Whatever happened to reason and civility?
How can someone look bloated and emaciated at the same time? I know the answer is meth, but come on.
"Both sides suck" only has value if there's a third alternative proposed. Of course it's not South Park's responsibility to promote an alternative, but I stopped paying attention to anything the show had to say when it became clear they didn't have anything to say except "both sides suck." It's like listening to a…
Trying to get to the dealer booths but all these goddamn bazingas clogging up the hallway with their damn "Firefly but it's painted to look like the TARDIS" and "Star Wars characters as Mega Man sprites" tshirts.
Everyone already knows he does this. They don't care. They have no values other than "winning." Whatever you don't like, they love. Pretending Trump supporters have any ethos other than "take THAT" is kidding yourself.
You keep using that word…
Sirens of Titan might just be my favorite book of all time, and Dan Harmon will probably nail all of the cynical elements in it. The rest I'm not holding out hope for, but we'll see.
They like Dan Harmon. Whoa, turns out their behavior is explicable after all.
It's hard to beat Tim Roth screaming it WHILE VOMITING in "Four Rooms," but Malkovich come real close.
"Con artist" really doesn't describe what he is. There's no art to what he does, it's all accomplished through bluster backed up by money and legal threats.
Pitt trying to act cagey in the car with Malkovich is such a great scene, too. He tries so hard to hold his face in that one expression. It's such a great performance overall from him.